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No eyes left Jimin as he guitily walked closer to the crowd, never glancing at Jungkook who was staring the boy with narrowed eyes.

"Park Jimin." A deep, calm voice echoed, bringing everyone's attention to the owner of the house. "It's so nice finally putting a name to a face. Come closer so I can have a better look."

Fiddling his thumbs, Jimin reluctantly came closer to the stranger. His eyes never left the floor as the boy felt the man's strong gaze.

Big hands suddenly grasped Jimin's chin, forcing him to stare into Jungkook's father's dark eyes. "Don't be so scared, I don't bite. . .," the man chuckled, but in a way that made the younger shiver.

"I-I'm not." Jimin's attempt to sound confident even didn't convince him and just made Jungkook's father laugh more.

"It's okay, a lot of people are weary of me at first due to my appearance but I won't bother anymore since I have work to do." He picked up his heavy luggage with ease and added, "Vist my office at dusk, Jimin."


Jimin reluctantly anticipated for dusk to occur the rest of the hours he spent alone in his room after the arrival of the man who gave him goosebumps.

The servants did not dare take a step into Jimin's room without permission and Jungkook, who seems to be his only friend, was too busy to visit due to him helping his father with business affairs.

Whenever dusk appeared, Jimin slowly dragged his heavy body that felt a great magnetic pull to be any where but Master Jeon's office. Unfortunately Jimin knew he could not stall any longer so whenever he finally stood in front of two big, brown doors, he shyly freaked one open and peered in.

He sat behind his desk, with thin reading glasses perched on his boney nose, focusing on papers. Jimin took one hesitant step into the room and Lord Jeon abruptly gazed up into the boy's eyes.

A tight grin appeared on his pale lips as he eagered, "Please, come in." He signaled towards the chair on the opposite side of the desk, facing him. "You may sit right here if you'd like."

Jimin muttered a quick thank you and took his seat, anxiety already overwhelming him. Playing with his thumbs, Jimin whenever Lord Jeon suddenly stood up.

Looking at him with big eyes, Jimin saw him go over to a cupboard and pulled out dainty tea cups and a kettle. Beginning to make hot tea, the man asked, "So how do you like it here?"

Jimin thought for a moment, swinging his feet, and answered, "this house is really nice and Jungkook treats me well, but it's also kind of lonely. . ."

He nodded with a grunt and continued, "How was it with your father?" Jimin felt a pang in his heart, he remembered when he first arrived Jungkook told him that his father gave him away and he didn't love him.

Holding in the tears, Jimin muttered, "it was good, but Jungkook told me my father never actually loved me and he gave me up. . ." Lord Jeon got silent for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he replied in a soothing voice, "Your father did love you, he just was a stupid man and had to pay the consequences."

Jimin had butterflies in his stomach and immediately asked, "Then why did Jungkook- " The tea kettle abruptly screamed on the other side of the room which caused the younger one to fall silent while the older rose to fill the cups.

Placing a cup in Jimin's hands, Master Jeon sat back down in his big chair and watched the boy hesitantly take a sip as the steam heated his face.

The hot liquid immediately set his tongue on fire and Jimin dropped the tea cup by instinct as he cringed in pain. The cup shattered once it made contact with the desk and the hot tea began to drip onto the floor.

"Omo! I am so, so, so sorry!" Jimin, in a panic, he quickly picked up jagged pieces of glasses and placed them in his small palm. Hissing in pain, the boy flinched whenever a piece slit his skin.

Jimin and Master Jeon silently watched at the hot blood slithered out slowly. The air got thick with danger and the back of Jimin's throat clogged up as the man in front of him took off his glasses, staring into the helpless boy's eyes with his own filled with odd hunger.

It seemed like the older one was holding back some urge that confused Jimin, but kept him frozen in place.

It didn't take long for the boy to realize what was going on the though, Master Jeon's eyes became a mixture of red and brown until it settled at a glistening blood red.

Panting, he slowly rose from his chair and whispered, "Jimin. . ."

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