He Comes To See You As A Patient

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Michael C: You were working in your office when you had someone come in. You looked up and it was Michael. "What happened?" You asked. "Well we were playing basket ball and I stopped to take a break to get some water and this dude I didn't know came and pushed my chest up against the fence and before I knew it I looked down and blood was pouring out from my wrist. You took a look at it and started to clean the wound. After it was cleaned and you were sitting down you stitched him up. You saw him looking at you but not directly at you after you had put the bandage on you snapped your fingers in his face. "Michael eyes are up here." You said. He laughed and pulled you closer to him. He then kissed you and then you took a pic as a reminder about his visit. "Now do you have to go record today?" You asked. "Yes." He said. "Ok what I'll do is I'll get you some medicine and then I'll come check on you and then when you get home I'll change your bandage. Then we'll go get ice cream ok?" You asked. "Ok." He said. He kissed you one last time and left. You were glad you became a doctor because if you didn't you would be freaking out but you knew he was gon be ok.

Chance P: You were working away on paper work and you were Brooklyn's doctor but she's the only one that gets to call you by your first name. You looked up to see Chance with Emma and he didn't look good. You examined him privately and you made his chart yourself. When you were done with the exam you knew on the top of your head that there was certain things he was doing while you were examining him. He was flinching coughing puking here and there and he was in extreme pain. You then got him admitted and into a private family room. You got one of the nurses and brought him in. "Guys this is James he's gonna do an IV and he's gonna get you better ok chance." You said and then you kissed his forehead. "Emma can I take Brooklyn on a tour around the hospital?" You asked. "Sure." She said. "You wanna come with or do you wanna stay with chance?" You asked. "I'll go you guys have fun." She said. You took her on a tour around the hospital and you the last stop on your tour was the play room. You were in the play room with Brooklyn when you got a call from Emma. "Hello how is he?" You asked. "He's doing good the nurse you brought in he's keeping a close eye on Chance." She said. "Ok do you wanna stay the night with him or do you want me to?" You asked. "I'll do it tonight and then you can do it tomorrow." She said. "Ok that's fine does-" You said but got cut off by chance. "Y/N I wanna see Brooklyn please bring her to me." He said. "Ok on my way." You said. "Come on Brooklyn lets go see daddy." You said. You brought her to him and he was happy. You were happy that he was gonna be alright.

Brady T: You were working when you saw Brady and the boys and you knew what happened and took him to examine him and then after you did the exam you got his finger back in place and he was all better but John brought them to the hospital and dropped them off so they waited until you were done and they laid low but no one had any idea who they were and they took pics they just never posted them and when you were almost ready to leave the Orthopedic doctor came and looked at the job you did he took an x Ray and his foot wasn't broken he just needs to wear a boot and when the boot was on that's when you met John outside and he took you home. (You don't have a car yet you take public transportation to your job). When you got home you helped Brady into the house and the boys were so tired they ended up spending the night at your house around Brady and you were happy that he had his friends and you with him to help him feel a whole lot better.

Drew R: You had just got out of surgery when you saw drew. He came over to you with. Big splinter in his finger and so you went and made a chart and you proceeded to get him prepped and all that stuff and when it was out it left a whole in his finger that required a stitch and after that he was ok you were glad that he had the boys there and they knew that you were a doctor and knew what to do and you were just glad that he didn't further injure his finger because if he did he probably wouldn't be able to feel anything but your glad he's loads better.

Sergio C: You were just out on a call when it happened to be the boys apparently they were all in a wreck but they were all ok tho and you checked all of them over and they were fine Sergio had a cut in his hairline that you sewed right on the spot and you were happy with the result but they took him to the hospital for a check up when you got word that he was ok you were so happy and his parents were happy that he was ok and you were so so so thankful that nothing bad had happened to him or the boys and you were just so so so so so so so so so so happy you were happy that he wasn't in the hospital messed up or buried 6 ft underground. You were just happy that he he's healthy and your also happy that he's not dead but alive. Because if the wreck was worse you and the boys wouldn't know what to do or how to function with out him and so you knew that someone was helping them out and that they were the ones who saved your lovely Sergio.

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