You Didn't Know You Were Pregnant

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Michael: You and Michael had just got engaged and you were planning a really big wedding and he wanted your family his family and his fans to be involved in the wedding. The boys came over to your house today because you were having an engagement party and you were just gonna mingle with the people that were there to celebrate you and Michael. You decided on a non alcoholic engagement party because there was little kids around. It's been 2 hours since the party has started and now it was time to open presents. While you were opening the presents your fave people in your life had gotten you when your stomach started hurting. You got through with the presents and partied some more when the pain hit you and then you went into the hallway where Michael found you. "Y/N what is it?" He asked. "Pain hospital now." You said. "Ok." He said. "Guys I'm sorry we're gonna have to cut this party a little short because Y/N needs to go see a doctor so if everyone would please gather your stuff and head on out thanks." He said. You had a smart house so it locked the door for you. Once you made it to the hospital you were in so much pain that a random nurse brought the both of you into a room. The doctor examined you and she told you that you were about to push. "WOAH WAIT IM WHAT?!" You asked while screaming. "Your pregnant and your about to push." She said. You were taken to an OR room and they got you set up and Michael came in. "Ok you need to start pushing on 3 ok 1..2..3.. push." She said. You pushed for a long time until you heard the cry of a baby. You started crying and then you looked at Michael. "What are we gonna do?" You asked. "We'll just have to have another engagement party and introduce our baby to our friends and family." He said. You were taken back to your room and you were there for a little while when the nurse walked in. "Here is your baby boy." He said. He handed you your baby and then he left the room. You were asleep when you heard Michael talking to your son. You were recovering so quickly that the doctors had decided to let you go home on the second day. Once you got home you had to go to sleep. You slept on the couch and your baby slept on your bed. You were still asleep when your son started to cry. Michael was still up and he decided to introduce your son to the world. So he did an Instagram live. "Hey guys." He said. He kept looking at his son. "Why am I holding a baby?" He asked. "Well guys I can't keep this secret any longer." He said. "This is my son say hello." He said. He took your sons hand and he waved it towards the fans that were watching. Then a fan commented a question that made him laugh. "This is my son Conor Michael Smith but he goes by Michael." He said. All of the fans were loving this new side to Michael. Once he started talking about your son he couldn't stop. "Where's Y/N?" A fan commented. "Well she's asleep right now on our couch." He said. "Do you guys wanna see her?" He asked. They all said they wanted to see you. "Ok well I can't hold a baby and a phone at once so I'll be right back." He said. "He put your son on the farther side of the couch and then he went back to get his phone. When he came back to the living room you were up. "Y/N I'm doing a live the fans wanted to say hi." He said. "Hi." You said. "Is that a ring?" One fan commented. "Yep we were waiting to tell you but me and Michael are getting married." You said. You cut your visit on his live short. "Guys I'm gonna go walk around and go back to sleep in my bed bye." You said. By this time he was holding your son. Your son started to cry and he rocked him back and forth. He ended the live after he guested his band mates and Brooklyn. Even though this wasn't planned he still loved his son a lot.

Chance: You and Chance had Brooklyn over at your house for the day because her mom Emma was coming to pick her back up after she got done with errands she had to run. You were playing with Brooklyn when you got a pain in your stomach. "Brooklyn go get your dad for me ok." You said. "Ok." She said. She got up and ran to get her dad. "Y/N what's wrong?" He asked. "I'm in so much pain and it's not going away." You said. "I'm taking you to the hospital right now." He said. "Brooklyn get your shoes on we're taking Y/N to the doctors." He said. "Ok daddy." She said. You were in the car waiting on chance and Brooklyn. Chance saw you and he felt really bad. "Sorry Y/N Brooklyn had to turn her light off." He said. You looked at her and she looked at you really scared. "Brooklyn I'm not mad at you sweetie i promise." You said. Then she got happy. You called Emma and she met you at the hospital. You guys pulled up at the same time and chance went with you to get checked out. After you were checked out you were told that you were pregnant and you were gonna give birth. You couldn't be moved to an OR so you gave birth in your room. Once your birth was over chance went to go see his oldest daughter Brooklyn and her mom Emma. "How is she?" Emma asked. "Well don't tell Brooklyn but she didn't know she was carrying a baby and she gave birth not even a second ago." He said. "Wow that's so exciting." She said. Then she hugged chance. He then felt a tug on his pant leg. He then bent down to her level. "Yes Brooklyn?" He asked. "Can we see Y/N?" She asked. "Yes she's been asking for you." He said. He carried her into your room and you smiled at her. You were so happy to see her and all she wanted to do was cuddle you so chance sat her down on your bed by your side gently. That's when there was a knock at the door. The nurse came in with a baby girl. She handed your daughter to you and Brooklyn starred at her in awe. You held her for a second and then you let Brooklyn hold her. You thought it was so cute. Your new daughters older sister picked out her name and you guys liked Brianne. You were in the hospital a few hours and you were released. You were so happy this happened for Brooklyn.

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