Your His Celebrity Crush And He Asks You Out

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Michael C: You've been seeing Michael Conor for quite awhile now and thanks to his legend and your brother Logic you were able to see him. You've been on a lot of dates and he knew today is the day that he wanted to ask you out. And he also wanted to incorporate Logic into the plan. So he came to pick you up and he took you to your brothers concert so you could see him. This is your first time seeing Logic perform. When it was time for the "fanQ&A" Logic gave Michael a mic and he helped you up on the stage. Everyone held signs up in their hands. "Y/N Logic might be your brother but honestly your the better looking out of you two." He said. The crowd and Logic laughed. "You make me happy and I want you to read those signs." He said pointing to the signs the people were holding. You didn't get it at first because they were far away and so that required plan B. "Ok everyone on 3 ok 1..2..3..!" He yelled. "Be Michaels girlfriend?" The crowd yelled. "You looked at Michael and he nodded as if to say it's true. You grabbed the mic from your brother Logic. "You know what yes I will be your girlfriend." You said. The arena burst into screams and shouts of happiness. You were happy and so was your brother Logic. You even got to sit backstage and listen to the rest of your brothers show. You were so so happy.

Chance P: You are best friends with Chance and he highly looked up to one of the architects Emma Bunton as he's on the show BoyBand. You were at his house alone with your niece Brooklyn. Ever since Emma his girlfriend got pregnant with her and ever since she was born and ever since they separated you've been there for him and Brooklyn and that's what he loves about you. You just have no idea how much. You and Brooklyn were cleaning up the house for Chances mom when the phone rang and you saw it was Chance you made sure that Brooklyn didn't see who was calling you and luckily she didn't so you finally answered your phone. "Hello." You said. "Hey Y/N." He said a little down. "What's wrong chance?" You asked. "I just miss Brooklyn you and my mom that's all." He said. "Well as your best friend I can make you feel better so hold on and give me a sec." You said. You went through your messages and sent Chance a video of Brooklyn cleaning his room and her room and his moms room. You heard silence on the other end. "Chance you there?" You asked. "Yeah sorry I was watching the video you sent me who taught her how to clean?" He asked. "Me your best friend did." You said. "Well thank you I needed that." He said laughing. You felt a tug on your free hand and looked down to see Brooklyn looking curiously up at you. "Whose on the phone?" She asked. "It's your dad you wanna say hi and I'll finish cleaning?" You asked. She nodded her head all excitedly. Then you carried her to their couch and set her on it while you finished the cleaning. "Hi daddy." She said. And you couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. You were on the last piece of cleaning and as you got done Brooklyn tugged on your hand. You knew what she meant and put it on speaker. "Bye bye daddy." She said. "Bye Brookie Bye Y/N He said. "Bye Chance." You said. "Ok now Brooklyn you wanna go see daddy?" You asked. She got all excited. You had made a list on your phone of what she needed and what you needed. His mom was already at where they're playing the show BoyBand and your gonna share the same hotel room with her. Once you got into Pjs and got your stuff packed you headed toward the airport. Once the airport stuff was done you set Brooklyn up with a little bed and she was out like a light. Once you landed from your flight and got all of your stuff you were picked up by chances mom and you were off to the hotel. When you got there you and her chilled outside while Brooklyn napped and then you did your normal routine and before you knew it you had to get ready for the show. When you got to the how Chance didn't know that his mom his daughter or his best friend is here surprising him. When the beat for how far I'll go from Moana Brooklyn's fave movie came on she started mouthing the words to it. When they were done performing Chance had seen his mom holding Brooklyn and you were hiding behind a really tall girl. "Chance how do you feel about that performance?" Rita asked. "I think we did good and I did this for my daughter she loves this song." He said. "Well I believe we have someone here." Rita said. You came up the stairs with Brooklyn and he took her from you. "Brooklyn can you say hi?" Chance asked. There was a huge silent pause and then she spoke. "Hi!" She screamed into the mic everyone was awing. "Chance do you have something to ask Y/N?" She asked. "I do but I'll let Brooklyn do it she's so much cuter than me." He said and the whole room laughed. "Y/N?" She asked. "Will you be my daddies girlfriend?" She asked cutely. "Yes." You said. The crowd screamed and the next thing you knew was that you were the happiest you've ever been and it's all because of Chance.

Brady T: Your aunt Rita Ora was performing on the show BoyBand and your a professional rapper. You started doing this a year after your aunt was famous. She was performing her new song and the remix features you on it. No one expected this not even Brady. She got done singing her part and then you came out of nowhere and started rapping. When the performance was over everyone clapped and cheered and that made you feel loved. "Give it up for my niece Y/N" She said. You did a bow and left the stage. You were waiting for the how to be over. It seemed to go on longer than planned. "Michael what are you doing back here?" You asked. "Rita Ora needs you to close out the show." He said. You went back out there with your mic and you saw your aunt and Brady standing there. "Brady I believe there's something that you would want to ask my very beautiful niece." She said. "Yes there is Y/N we've grown to know each other when you would come visit your aunt Rita Ora. And what I'm trying to say is would you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Brady I have one answer for you." You said. "And what would that be?" He asked. "Yes I would like to be your girlfriend." You said. Everyone was so happy for you and Brady and your aunt started crying on national television. "Aunt Rita are you crying?" You asked. "I'm just so happy that you found a boyfriend ah just wait till I tell your mom." She said. "Uh you tell my mom I'll tell her that you accidentally broke her mirror." You said. "Alright alright alright." She said. You were so happy that you found the right person to be your boyfriend because without Brady you wouldn't be able rap so so so well.

Drew R: Your related to Mikey Jimenez and your a professional hair stylist for stars like One Direction Back Street Boys New Kids On The Block N - Sync - 5 Seconds Of Summer Why Don't We Pretty Much Rita Ora Demi Lovato Collins Key Devan Key their cousin Cav Little Mix 5th Harmony Rascal Flatts and so many others. Recently you started getting feelings for a boy named Drew Ramos from In Real Life and you like how the way his hair lays when it's styled and he's the only one that will let you play with his hair others they have to get it done fast so they can move on to their next client. You had just got done with your cousin Mikey's hair and he liked the way you styled it when the guys from In Real Life came into your shop and there stood Mikey's mom whose your aunt with her phone out recording this moment. "Uh Drew what are you doing here?" You asked. "Well I came here because I have to ask you something and I didn't want to do it behind a computer screen." He said. "Well if you have something to ask me then go ahead and ask me then you dummy." You said and that made the boys and Mikey Laugh. By now there were fans outside your hair salon and they had their phones out recording the moment and you had your windows down to let cool air in it gets awfully hot in your hair salon. Drew came up to you with roses in his hand. "Y/N I've liked you since the first day I got in here and you were doing my hair and I would love it if you styled my hair more would you please be my girlfriend?" He asked. You smiled so wide. Everyone was looking at you waiting for your answer. "Yes drew I would like to be your girlfriend." You said. The crowd of girls and the crowd in the shop cheered and they were happy. You've never been this happy in a long time and your happy to have Drew.

Sergio C: You were walking around the studio looking for your uncle DJ Khalid when you saw some boys that you seen before at some shows and some interview appearances that they did. "Boys if you haven't already this is my precious precious niece Y/N." He said. "Hello boys." You said. You saw Sergio looking at you and you could tell that something had come up and he just wouldn't tell what came up. You were trying to find your Nephew when he came running into your arms. "Aunt Y/N." Asahd said. "Well look at my handsome nephew what are you doing here?" You asked him. "Mommy came to see daddy and I came to see my aunt." He said. "Awe your cute." You said. "Hey guys Y/N I have a meeting with Justin Bieber about our new song do you think you and the boys could watch him?" He asked. "Yes we will." You said. It's been a few hours since the meeting had started and y'all were having so much fun that you didn't realize that his meeting was about to be over. You guys were playing a game with Asahd when your phone rang. You got it and looked at it. "Y/N come meet me outside of his dressing room." -Sergio It said. "Hold on one sec." -Y/N. "Ok." -Sergio. Hey guys I need to take a quick call can you watch him?" You asked. "Yes." Michael said. "Thanks dudes I owe you guys big time." You said. Then you were out the door. When you got to a spot where it was so quiet you looked and saw a sign with a small bear and it says I love you on the bear and on the sign it says please be my Dj to my music and be my girlfriend?" He asked. You saw that he was holding the bear. "So will you?" He asked. "Yes Sergio I will be your girlfriend. He hugged you so tight and you were so happy right as you pulled away from the hug your uncle got there and he looked at Sergio. "Now Calderon I want you to take care of my niece and not hurt her if I found out you did any of those things and I will personally cut all of your hair off and break your cool face you got that?" He asked. "Yes Mr. Khalid I got it." He said. You were so happy that your uncle even let your crush Sergio ask you out today. But it made you really really really happy.

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