He's A Teen Dad and Meets His Baby

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Michael: You were both living together and he got a better job after he got fired from working at the local pizza place. You also had a job but it didn't pay much. The night before you guys were in your shared room watching a movie and he moved your hair to the side and he started kissing your neck. And then you started kissing and that led you to finding out you were pregnant. You planned a special day for you and Michael and then you spelled out in his fave candy High Chews that you were having a baby. He looked at you and then he hugged you. You guys told your parents and they were surprisingly happy about it. You and Michael were working on graduating early. You guys shared music class together and you had your credits for all of your other classes but music and that's what the both of you were working on. He went to your appointments and doctor visits. You took off work when you were 8 months pregnant. But when you were working all you could really do was wash dishes and take people's orders. Michael he worked until you were 8 months pregnant and he got time off to build the crib and put your baby's room together. You decided to keep your baby's gender a secret because you wanted to be surprised. You were asleep and Michael's alarm went off and before you knew it He was off to work. A month later your walking into the last month of your pregnancy and your excited. Michael kept working until he was allowed time off. Once he was allowed time off it was getting closer to your due date. It was a couple days later and your having your last doctors appointment. You guys got ready and went to the appointment and finally you packed your bags for the hospital. And then you guys fell asleep after you doubled checked that you had everything you would need to bring to the hospital. It was 12:00am when you had started getting small contractions so you started tossing and turning and you continued this until you decided to go downstairs to your kitchen and time your contractions. Your back was turned toward the stairs and you felt arms around your waist. "You having contractions?" He asked. "Yep." You said. He rubbed your back while you went through the contractions. You were leaning your head against the wall and Michael when your water broke. He grabbed the bags and put them in the car and then he got you in the car and called his mom and you guys headed towards the hospital. When you got there his mom was already there and she went and got your stuff and brought it in the hospital while he was getting you out of the car. You walked into the hospital and you were put into a room and you got settled in. Then Michael went onto his Instagram and started to film for his story. "Hi Guys me and Y/N are at the hospital right now waiting on our baby and she's sitting right there playing a video game." He said. "hi guys video games are distracting me." You said. Then he started an Instagram live. "Hey guys Y/N's in the hospital and were about to have a baby." He said. You were asleep and Michael was filming you and you woke up in pain and you had the urge to push and you were ready to get this birth started. "Well I was gonna give you guys snippets of Y/N giving birth but you guys are my fans and your gonna witness Y/N giving birth." He said. "Doc is it ok if I film the birth?" He asked. "Sure son." He said. He got comments asking if he also had a hospital bracelet and he laughed. "Yes I have a hospital bracelet." He said and then he showed his arm. He was talking to his fans because he didn't want them to see you be prepared for your birth. Once you were done it was time to get started. You gave starting pushes and it was time for the real thing. He was filming you while you were pushing. You gave 3 pushes but by this time Michaels mom had his phone and he was holding your hand. "Michael would you like to help deliver your baby?" The doctor asked. He got on gloves and he helped the doctor basically take out your baby. He held your baby up and it was a girl. He started crying. The nurse took the gloves from Michael and he was still crying. When your daughter was laid on your chest you started to cry. You were happy that you had a girl. Once she was cleaned and warmed up and while you were getting fixed up Michael was handed your daughter. He had stopped crying to admire your daughter. "What's her name son?" The nurse asked. "Alley Brooklyn Conor." He said. While looking at his little girl. Then after everyone left the room he started to talk to his baby girl. "Hi Alley I'm your dad and this is your mom and this is your grandma or nana whatever you want to call her and your gonna meet the rest of my family and your gonna be spoiled so much and I love you." He said. His mom took pics of you guys individually and then she took pics of you and Michael with Alley and she was so proud. You were happy as well as Michael and your both very happy.

Chance: You and Chance had did some stuff un protected and you ended up pregnant. You had your doctors appointments and your check ups and now you here in the hospital. Your having a baby boy and your so excited. Once your water broke your labor went quickly and you had 1 large push and he was out. You may have been a young teen giving birth and to have a baby but you wanted this for your baby boy and you were just so happy that your boy's here.

Brady: You and Brady have been dating since middle school and you got married while your in high school. You don't live together yet but your working on it. Your mom allowed you to move into his house with his mom. Then you ended up pregnant and you were scared but happy. His mom wanted a grand kid and you were so happy and then doctors appointments showed up and check ups showed up and finally you were giving birth. You were so happy to be having a little girl. And you couldn't be happier to be married to Brady and you hoped your daughter looked like him. But you were just happy to have your own family.

Drew: He was on tour and he didn't know that you were pregnant and you had appointments and stuff and since he was on tour you had to face time him. So he was there at your appointments through your phone. And you had a lot of appointments after that and the last and final one was when you went to was your last visit. While you were with your friend you went into labor and didn't even know it. So you had your stuff in her trunk and then you called Drew when you were in the hospital after you got settled in. They moved their concert time earlier than normal and they finished when the concert was originally gonna start. So he got to the hospital and he met his son and he instantly loved him when he saw him.

Sergio: Your bf Sergio was actually on tour and your doctor said that you could go with him on tour and he would be there when you went into labor. Your doctor was also vacationing in the same place that Sergio was touring in and you went to his hotel room to talk about your baby. When you were done talking about your baby you went and explored the rest of the city the boys were in for hours and hours and your feet never hurt tho. You were walking around with your 9 month pregnant belly and you had Sergio and Michael as your body guards. They stopped people from seeing your stomach and you were hiding it pretty well from them. You felt a cramp in your stomach and you got sick so while the boys weren't looking you puked and then you kept walking. The boys were looking at you while you were walking back to them. "Y/N are you ok?" Sergio asked. "Yes I'm good I just had a really bad hot flash and it made me puke." You said. He took you back to the bus and you laid down with food and drink. You were feeling better later in the day and so you guys went to dinner. While you eating dinner you decided on a salad. And then after you were done with dinner you went back to the bus and the bus was parked next to your doctors hotel so that he could get to you easily. You were asleep when you were woken up by sharp pains. You called your doctor after they went away and he told you to go ahead and get out of the bus and head to the hospital. Your doctor was on the first floor of the hotel. So you woke up Sergio. "Hey it's time the doctor's on the first floor and he's driving us to the hospital." You said. So Sergio woke up the guys and they helped you with all of your stuff and you were off to the hospital. In this hospital you were at the boys showed up because they got a taxi van and they met y'all in the hospital. A few hours later you were in the room and you were pushing while all of his friends were in the room. Then they heard a cry and your son was born. You were so happy and so was Sergio. The guys were jumping and there was an Instagram live on the band's Instagram account and the fans were saying congrats and they were happy for you and he was so cute. Your happy that you had your baby and that Sergio was here to to witness your sons birth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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