Getting to know each other

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Well this is the part where nightmare and his gang finally get to officially meet error and get to know each other a little better. Well let's get on with the story!

Nightmares POV
The tall dark colored glitch seemed to notice we were staring at him because he seemed to be nervous at the attention he was receiving, he finally spoke. "UhHMmMM...aRE YoU GUyS Ok?". That's when I noticed that we still didn't have our magic back, me and my gang were all immediately embarrassed as he asked us the question. We all just looked down at the ground and kept quite after a few minutes he said " oK WeLl iM ErRoR...tHe gOd oF DeSTruCtIoN". And with that we all stared up at him with complete shock and pride.

Errors POV
" Well shit I scared them" I said to myself. But I was shocked to see that they didn't seem to be afraid instead they seemed happy and glad to see me, "what the hell is going on here?!" I said to myself That's when I decided that I had enough of this silence and grabbed the group of skeletons with my strings and teleported into underfell. I sat them down next to a tree and teleported to get some healing supplies and teleported back within seconds. I kneeled down to the skeletons and healed each and everyone of them a few seconds later they all had their magic back then finally one of the skeletons in the group mustered some courage and said " thank you for help us... my name is nightmare". I told him he and his friends should leave before they get caught wandering around with me.

Nightmares POV
I felt horrible when Error said " yOu AnD YoUR FRienDs sHoUlD lEavE BeFoRe YoU gEt CauGHt WaNDeRiNg ArOuND WiTh Me." Did he really think that bad of himself ? I told him that me and my gang were happy to be around him, he just let out a sad but soft laugh and said "hAhAHAhAha....NiCe OnE". And he turned around a started walking into a portal back into the anti-void where we found him.

Errors POV
I was walking back into the anti-void when someone grabbed my hand causing me to flinch... that's when I see nightmare grabbing my hand and his group following his actions, they all started to crowd around me and I start to panic I start to shake and soon I started to hyperventilate I fell down on my knees, I shut up eyes and grit my teeth together putting my hands on my skull trying to calm down and trying to get rid of the voices that started screaming in my head...they didn't go away that's when I feel my strings surround me and they soon wrap themselves around my bones I was scared....

End chapter of 5

Sorry but I had to cut this chapter a little short will be back with more though

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