his past

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I took a sharp breath. The aura of the basement made my arms shiver but ironically, there was no wind.

"Help me." It was more like a whisper.

A fast figure dashed across me, gliding through the shadows.

"what do you need help with" His voice was not normal. It was like echoes. Like voices you hear when there are flashbacks.

"M-My father-- Damn it." I turned around when I realized I'm asking help from a devil. Someome who's pulling me to the dark side.

Before I could reach the stairs, he appeared infront me.

His hair all fixed in one place, his white pale skin, his dull yet sincere eyes, and his rose like lips.

He looked at me as he raised his chin, glowering down me like a prey.

I swalloped unconsciously.

He lowered his head as he gaze on my lips. Or was it?

"Listen.. Milo--"

He looked at my eyes, it caught me off guard.

He slowly raised his hand on my cheek and wiped a tear I didn't know was falling.

"what are you doing to me?" He whispered, dark veins appearing on his temple.

"What are you talking about?" I snarl. "Youre the one screwing up my mind!" I pushed him hard but he wasnt fazed.

"If you didnt hunt this freaking house!  Or damn how stupid and gullible can you get for even killing your parents! YOU MASOCHIST BASTARD!"

When those words tumbled down my lips my breath was hitched. I regret it, but at the same time I didn't.

He wasn't looking at me. He was looking pass me. How can I hear a heart beat of a dead person?

He took one step closer. And another one. Then he was close to me. He tucked a loose hair behind my ears and looked me straight in the eyes.

His eyes shifted from black to grey. To grey to brown. To brown to dark holes.

"What should I do, Bughuul?" Milo asked a shadowed figure standing on his doorway.

The figure did not answer.



Milo was startled but he swiftly went down.

"Tomorrow is the day and your vest is still soaking?! We told you to have that wash weeks ago!" His father yelled.

Well, if they didnt let him do all the chores and work then maybe he wouldnt have forgotten.

"I apologize, sir." Milo murmured, lowering his head.

"Disappointment you are to be seen with us." Was his fathers last words before he went up with a frown.

He remember the time his father was drunk so bad he almost killed Milo. He beat him up so bad and raised a gun at him but Milo was able to escape. He knew he wanted Milo dead in the first place.

"Another point for Milo for disappointing father." His siblings got inside with a taunting face.

"Hes planning to keep it consistent." his sister spat.

Milo ignored them and took his indeed wet vest, he was very pissed off to be treated like this everyday.


"Thank you." He told the priest as he did a sign of the cross.

Today will be the final day.


Their muffled scream echoed through the room. Milo smiled in satisfaction, seeing his family with a sac on their heads and tied up.

"It'll be over soon, my loved ones." He flickered the camera on and started recording.

He placed rats inside a pottery bowl that was placed on top of his family's body. He took a long tong and placed burning hot charcoal ontop of the bowl.

His family started squirming and he heard the rats squeaking.

They suddenly tried to yell. hard.

He can smell the metallic scent of blood oozing out their skin to the floor.

After shaking violently, they stopped. They lay there lifelessly as the rat, soaked in blood set free and scamper away.

He flicked the camera off and stiffened when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

All senses came back at me. I stared at Milo not with fear, but with pity.

"What a weak, vulnurable, easy target boy." I growled at him, "You gave in cause of your family problems! He targeted you cause you had no one to turn to. Dont think youre so special and strong when he chose you. He chose you cause youre weak!"

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