•Rupert x reader ✨• (was a draft incomplete)

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Staying in this dead end apartment wasn't something planned but I guess you gotta take what's given to you. And I'm not so sure about the android who lives next door, he probably thinks I'm an idiot but, I had seen models just like him. He can't fool me. I have this gut feeling to approach him and let him know that I know but I fear that'll ruin whatever friendship we have just starting out. It isn't that easy talking to him. He usually rushes the conversations I start with him and He always has his hat tipped all the way down. I can't just ignore him now. He's too interesting to me, I have to see how this pans out.
A few months had passed and I managed to get him to open up. He wasn't that hard to crack, just bring up a conversation about pets or animals and he was talking non-stop about the pigeons. I found it sort of cute how he thought the pigeons were like pets. I had been caught up in the news and apparently there was going to be a meteor shower, I was pondering on the thought when I decided that was when I could tell him. I'm pretty sure I'm in a good enough zone to tell him, I just hope this brings us closer rather than farther apart. I've grown too attached. I grabbed the door handle and swung the door open. After swinging the door open and excitedly rushing out my whole body smashed into another person and I had to take a step back so I wouldn't fall. I looked up and noticed it was Rupert, how convenient. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked around for any injuries. I laughed a bit and greeted him.
"Hey, I was just about to talk to you,"
He smiled down at me
"Really? Because I was looking for you for the same reason," I took a step back and he lowered his arms.
"You go first-" we both spoke over each other
"okay so-" we both laughed at ourselves but I finally decided to break it.
"You go first," I insisted he smiled and then took a breath,
"So I heard on the news that there was going to be a-"
"A meteor shower? That's what I was going to talk to you about!" I laughed. He smiled and rested his hands back on my shoulders.
"Well yeah but I was wondering if-"
"If I wanted to watch it with you..?"
"Yes damn let me speak woman!" I laughed at him once more before grabbing his hands from my shoulder and bringing them down.
"Okay so, the sun sets around six thirty which is also when the shower starts so.. I'll see you up top at six sharp?" He smiled at me
"Six sharp," I opened the door to my apartment "alrighty then, I'll catch you later!"
"Yeah.." I then closed the door.

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