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Rein Malfoy Black is the child of Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black. Her parents were both Slytherin and met in school, they were friends in school. Then later in life, they met again seeing as they were both death eaters. Then they had a kid named Rein. Rein is a beautiful girl with big curly black hair like her mom, but it has two blonde streaks that are pin straight. Causing her to have to curl two pieces of hair EVERY SINGLE DAY to look normal. She has her mom's large eyes and her dads ring (the ring of The Pure Malfoy Family). She has both her parent's magical talents she is wonderful at magic and will probably become a powerful witch. She also loves her house-elf Dobby which her mom thinks is weird (because people usually threaten their elves and order them around).

if you have any suggestions for this story just post a message on my wall (go to my account go to conversations then type yo' message lol)

Edit: Ok so, now that I'm looking back I see a lot of grammar/text talk. I promise in a few chapters I type like an actual human being 😂. Sorry, I'm stupid! Cya!

Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now