Class 2

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We brewed the potion, me and my friends got top marks! It was easy because Snape taught me how to make this when I was about four. Anyway after potions we went and got our books, we got all our books for all the classes before first break (charms and transfiguration). So we went to charms, with Professor Flitwick. We took a lot of notes, then we learned 'Wingardium Leviosa', Herms, Kelly, and I had the best results out of the whole class! The boys didn't do so great, when they tried to to the spell, the quill only did this weird jump thing. I felt bad. We got one page of homework so far, it was potions. We had to write an essay about what Draught of Living Death did to the body. I think that will be very, very, very easy! After charms we went to T-fig. (A/N from now on I will say T-fig instead of transfiguration bc it takes forever to type!!) We just took a lot of notes, she gave us a schedule on when our tests would be. Our first test is in 11 days. Class was easy, I think I'm going to really like T-fig! After that we had free period for 1 hour. Right now is free period. We are looking over our notes from class and simplifying them. There's 45 minutes left of this period. "Done." Hermione said after she finished simplifying her notes. "Same, I've been done for five minutes." said Kelly while turning off her phone. "I am just about done, just have a few more sentences." I told them. "We're just about done. Harry and I, I mean." Ron said. "What've you been doing on your phone?" I asked Kelly while rolling up my parchment. "I was on Instagram." she said.

"Uh what's that??"

"its an app where you can share photos with your friends."
"oh I think I may have heard of it. (I pull my phone out and download Instagram)
"Once you get it you have to make an account! My account name is Its_Kelly, what will yours be??"
"I dunno, oh wait now it asking me to make an account name, -types 'Rein Malfoy-Black'- "
"Mine says Kellianne Granger, wait Herms, do you have Instagram also?"
"Yes I think I do, -Hermione checks her phone- yep I do, my user is Its_Herms" Hermione said
"Rein do you have an email??" Asked Kelly
"Yes it's ReinMB@theMalfoyEstablishment, why?" I asked them
"Because you need one for Instagram" said Kelly
"Oh yea now its asking me for a user name, mine will be... -types TheReinMBlack- my user is TheReinMBlack I'll add you when it lets me in, it's still having me type in my information" I say
"Ok" the twins said at the same time
"I'm in, I'll add you in point zero seconds, done" I said


The twins phones had rung


Rein Malfoy-Black (TheReinMBlack) has requested to follow you.


"I accepted" said the twins at the same time. "Ok great." I said. "Done" said Harry "Same I just finished" said Ron. "Lets go on a trip!" I said "On the weekends of course!" "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS" screamed Kelly. "Lets plan after classes, or at lunch." I said "Ok" everyone said. "Uh guys we have 10 minutes left until classes start!!" I said. "I don't have my books for now thanks Rein, your a life saver!" Ron said. "Ok and your welcome!! Come, this the way to the study." I led him and Harry up the stairs and down the long hallway, "You first" I said opening the door to the study. "Way cool! Oh I think I found it! Wait what's it called?" Ron asked "I think History of Wizard Life, set one, book one" I replied. "Yep I found it! Thanks a bunch Rein" Ron said. Ron started out of the room, but harry stayed. "Rein I need to talk to you." he said.

"Uh about what?" I asked



"I l-like her."

"Well... umm. wait! You actually like Kelly, like Kelly Granger the one downstairs!?"


"OMG I don't believe it! I didn't think you liked her, I think she likes you though, will you guys like... uh... date????"

"Uhmmmm I don't know, maybe if she likes me, we could l-later on uh... what was the word you used um... d-date."

"I don't believe it! I didn't think you liked anyone!!! Wait is it ok if she knows?"

"Uhh later, I want to tell her..."

"Mhmm Ok I wont tell a single soul!"

"Thanks Rein"

We walked from the room quietly. Once we were downstairs I sat down and talked to everyone about classes and stuff, until I looked at my watch "FIVE MINUTES! GUYS WE GOTTA GO! CMON" I ushered everyone from the dorm and out the door, we all went to class, HOM was easy it was just note taking and lectures. After that we walked back to Ron's room and we are making lunch right now. "Ahhhhh" Hermione said while being covered in flour, because Kelly threw the bag at her. "Hahahahaha!" Kelly said. "Ahaha" I said. Hermione suddenly Hermione started muttering words, unfamiliar words. "Uh Hermie are you good??" I asked. NO response came almost a minute later she said "Oh yes sorry I was just making the food, with a spell that I made at my house during the summer." "Ohhh ok. What are we making??" I asked "Hmmm just wait and see!" she said. A half a second later I heard a noise. BANG! I looked over at Hermione, in front of her there was: Pizza, Mac N Cheese, Pasta, Taco/Taco salad, and more food! "Well, do you like it??" Hermione said while signaling Kelly to help her bring the food over to the table. I joined in, "Omg I love it!" I said in amazement. We ate lunch, in Ron's room. "So we need to plan our trip!" I said. "I think we should go to the muggle area, like maybe go over where hermie and I live, so we see our parents and stuff!" Kelly said. "Sure! That's a great idea" I said. "That's an awesome idea!" said Harry. Ron said "Totally brilliant, where do you guys live?" "We live in Manchester, you?" Kelly asked. "Oh we live in Catchpole, Devon." said Ron. "Ok I think we should go on Sunday. Because most families are home on Sundays so your parents will probably be home, I'd also like to see my family. So Sunday?" I said "Yea" said mostly everyone. "Later I think we should have a girls night and a boys night! Like all the girls in one dorm, and all the boys in another and we like hang out and watch tv and stuff!" I suggested.

Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now