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SUMMER 1994 (Summer before 4th year)

Rein was home for the summer. She was sitting on her bed reading a book when her mother knocked on the door. "Come in!" Rein yells putting the book on her bedside table. Her mother; Bellatrix, walks in. "Rei, dear, your father has bought us some tickets." her mother says. "To?" Rein says highly intrigued now. "The Quidditch World Cup! He got us 8 tickets!" Bellatrix exclaims. Rein jumps off her bed and hugs her mom. "Yessss!" she exclaims. Bellatrix smiles, but deep inside she didn't want to see Rein's father; Lucius. They had a fight a week or so ago, because Bellatrix heard someone talking about Lucius' affair. They worked it out but still she didn't want to talk to him. Rein let go of her mother and asked "Will Dobby be coming?" "Why of course!" Bellatrix said smiling. Bellatrix smiled and left the room. Rein went to her desk and wrote a letter.


I have news! Father got me some tickets to the Quidditch World Cup! How exciting. I think theres a few extra tickets so I would love for you to come! Respond asap. Call me actually!

Xoxo, Rein

Rein put the letter on a string and tied the string to her owl named Poof's leg. Poof flew to Rein's window and scratched at it until Rein opened it. The owl flew out into the trees and hills to Ronald Weasley's home. Harry saw Poof at the window, he flung the window open accidentally hitting Poof in the head. Poof fell a few feet but flew back up quite agitated. Harry took the letter and read it quickly. He went to Ron and told him Rein invited him. Ron's father had invited him to the Cup as well. Ron said "Well if you'd rather go with Rei, you can obviously. I don't mind..." Harry smiled. "I'll talk to Rein and then I'll decide. Ok?" Harry explained. "Mkay." Ron says walking out of his bedroom down to the kitchen.

Harry went to his side of the room and dug through his bag. He pulled out the phone he got in 1st year. He went to Rein's contact and hit call. She answered on the 2nd ring. "Hey! So are you coming?" Rein exclaimed. "Um about that, Ron has already invited me... His dad scored some tickets at the Ministry. Wait where are you sitting?" Harry asked Rein. "One moment, I'll ask." Rein put him on hold and asked her mother where they were sitting. Rein picked up the phone again. "Harry we are sitting in the best seats available; Top Box. Why? Where are you sitting?" Rein questions. "Top Box as well!" Harry exclaims. "I'll go with Ron but I'll sit with you since we'll be in the same box." Harry said to Rein. "Harry, when can you come over again?" Rein asked with desperate tone in her voice. "I think I can come tomorrow if that's ok!" Harry said getting excited thinking about going to see Rein again. "Perfect! Is 2 ok?" Rein asked. "Perfect, but listen Rei, I gotta go Molly needs help in the kitchen. Cya!" "Bye!" Ping. Harry hung up and put his phone in his pocket. He ran down the stairs to help Molly; Ron's mom.

Rein ran down the stairs, phone in hand, to find her father at the bottom of the stairs. She hugged him and thanked him for the tickets. She could smell the whiskey coming from his breath. "You're welcome hun." Lucius said walking away. Rein felt rejected.

She went to find Dobby. She found him in the basement putting coal into the heater. "Rein!" Dobby's high-pitched voice exclaimed. He dropped a piece of coal on his toe. "Ouch!" he yelped but Rein picked it up off his toe and healed the small wound. "I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to the café?" Rein asked her pal. "Of course! Thank you thank you!" Dobby jumped up and down. Rein took out her wand and made Dobby a little smaller, about the size of a toddler. She gave him a little hair, shortened his nose and ears. She left his face like a house elf because she thought it was cute. Dobby summoned a baby hat and blanket. Rein put the hat on him and wrapped him in the blanket. He looked like an alien baby. She laughed and ran out the door.

She apparated to an abandoned building in Swindon. Swindon was a town a right outside Wiltshire. She walked out of the building holding Dobby like a baby. She walked across the street to Café Cappuccino. She got in the short line. Soon enough, Rein was at a wobbly table eating a loaf of banana bread and a caramel macchiato. She enjoyed her food until she heard Dobby (who was on her lap) whisper "Could you drop some of that in your lap?" Rein snorted and almost choked on her macchiato. She broke some of the bread off and when no one was looking put it in Dobby's mouth. "Oh thank you so much!" Dobby practically shrieked. Rein's eyes widened and whispered "Be quiet, you may be wrapped like a baby but if someone hears you speaking they'll know you aren't."

A few minutes later Rein and Dobby had eaten half the loaf, so they started to the abandoned building. Once she was there she apparated to Malfoy Manor. She removed the charms on Dobby and Dobby made the hat and blanket disappear with a snap. Dobby apparated to the basement and Rein walked in the house. The reason they did this was Bellatrix didn't want Dobby to go with her because last month someone said 'what is that cause it ain't a baby!'

Rein walked through the door to see her mother standing a few feet away from the door. She seemed a little mad. "Uh, hey mom..." Rein said a little unsure of what she did this time. "Why did you take Dobby again? I told you not anymore." Bellatrix said in a stern voice. Rein went red. "Um I'm sorry mom, Dobby likes to get out and he likes that banana bread. Also, here" Rein says handing her the half loaf of bread. Bellatrix accepted the bread and said "Ok, thank you but not again. Ok?" "Yes ima sorry." Rein walked quickly to the stairs and up them. She went to the living room.

Rein's phone buzzed in her pocket as she fell onto the couch. 'HERMIONE CALLING' She answered "Yello! What's up 'Mione?" "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come out to eat with Ron, Kelly, and I. Would you?" Hermione asked. Rein could hear Ron whining to his mother about peeling the potatoes. She chuckled and responded "When?" Kelly grabbed the phone from Hermione's hand and said "Tonight of course and hi Rein!" Rein laughed and greeted Hermione's twin. "I'll absolutely be there!" Rein exclaimed. "5 o'clock sharp!" Kelly said and hung up. Rein smiled and put her phone in her pocket.

After thinking about Harry for like 20 minutes, Rein got off the couch and summoned Dobby. "Hi Dobby, could you tell me where Mother is?" Rein asked politely of her friend. "Of course, she's in her bedroom. Anything else Master Rein?" Dobby said in his cute little voice. Rein smiled and said "Which one?" "4th floor." Dobby explained and apparated out of the room. Rein ran to the stairs and up she went 3 flights.

Once at the top she walked down the long hall to a large bedroom. The door was shut tight. Rein could hear 2 people yelling, her mother and father. She went closer to the door to knock but she tripped on an empty bottle of whiskey. "Damnit!" Rein whispered about her father. Ever since Rein was about 4 Lucius, her father had a drinking problem. Rein kicked the bottle out of the way and knocked. When her fist hit the door, the yelling quieted. It was only about 2 seconds until Bellatrix yanked the door open. "What is it Dearie?" Bella said with her mascara running down her cheeks. "Oh um, I just got a call and I was invited for dinner with the Grangers and Ron. Is that ok?" Rein said feeling sympathy for her mother. "Of course, just dont be to late after the 2 am cerfew. Ok?" Bellatrix said to her daughter as she tried to calm her sniffles. "Ok thank you." Rein said wanting to take her mother's pain away. She smiled and then walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now