Splish Splash

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For the rest of the night Rein, Ron, Kelly, Hermione, and Harry watched movies in Ron's room. The movie just ended, its 3 am. Rein is really bored. "Guys! I have an idea! C'mon!" she says hopping up from her chair. She runs to the door behind Ron's table, and dashes up the stairs. She goes all the way to the 3 floor followed by Hermione Ron Harry and Kelly. She stops at the swim room. She shoves the door open and walks in. The heat coming from the water makes the room hot and humid, but Rein loves this since she's always cold. She looked back at Hermione and Kelly, they were smiling. Rein said "Well, I don't think we packed swimsuits in our trunks, so wanna just swim in our clothes?" "Sure!" Kelly says walking over to the edge of the pool and taking off her slippers. Everyone else followed her to the edge and took their socks/slippers off. Rein who was wearing footie-pajamas, unzipped her footies and put them with her slippers. She was wearing a tank-top and shorts underneath. Everyone had stripped down to as little clothing as possible. (No one was naked though cause they're like 11 lol). Rein stepped close to the edge and said "On 3?" the crew nodded and stepped up to the edge with Rein. "3... 2... 1!" Kelly yells cannonballing into the pool. Everyone had jumped in, they were all splashing around. Rein swam tot he bottom of the 9 foot pool, and once she reached the bottom her ears popped. "Ouch" she muttered in the water. Kelly and Hermione were floating a few feet behind her. She turned around and looked up losing oxygen at this point. She saw the twins just before her eyes closed. She got a lot of water in her mouth and everything went black. She opened her eyes back up to see the pool and Kelly and Hermione. She had blinked. (lol did I scare you?) She swam to them and mothed the words 'Up! I'm losing oxygen!'. She shook her head from drowsiness from lack of oxygen. She looked up at the 8 feet she had to swim, she didn't think she would make it to the top in time. She looked down at her feet that were barley touching the bottom of the pool. She had an idea. She swam down a bit so her feet would completely touch. Kelly and Hermione were half-way to the top. She bent her knees and kicked full force, her whole body shot upwards in the pool. She stopped about 3 or so feet from the surface. She reached up with her hand and pulled. Her body was raised, but she was weak. She repeated this a few times before touching the surface. She finally pushed her head through the surface. She gasped for air. Her lungs filled with hot steamy air. Kelly and Hermione turned around to see her gasping they swam over and said "You good?" "Yea. J-just need s-some more air... t-thanks" Rein says. Harry swims over soon followed by Ron. "Great idea Rei!" Harry exclaims. Rein takes a gasp of air "Thanks! I have a few of those every now and then!" she joked.

Omg! I'm really sorry for not updating! I have been having a lot of tests and stuff lately. Sorry again. And also I have to do the promised 'name reveal' requested by a few friends of mine.




A girl typed quickly on her computer she stops her writing and sips her caramel coffee and reads what she has written, it reads:

Hello! I am Kylie, a 17 year old writer. I have many interests such as Harry Potter, Twilight, books, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, Charmed (new and old one) and so sooooooooo sooooooooooooo much more. I began my wattpad career in July of this year (July 2018) and since then I've been in love with writing stories an seeing them grow. IM obviously not like super popular so it takes a lil bit for stories to reach the view goals, but I don't care. All I care about is that you enjoy my stories. Stay safe and have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Xoxo -Kylie

She hits enter and uploads the first chapter of her story called "Life of Kylie Kaleri" she smiles as it says

Upload Complete!

She is excited to reveal more about her life and herself to her dear readers.

Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now