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"Dobby I have a surprise for you!" I said. "What is it!" the cute little big eyed elf said. "Come" I said, I walked through my dorm to the stairs to the second floor, to the second floor bedroom. "Dobby could you live with me?" I asked him. "OH REIN I DONT KNOW HOW TO REPAY U I LOVE Y Y Y YOU! YES YES YES YES YES!" Dobby yelled while jumping into my arms. "Haha Dobby I love u 2!" I said to my lil man. "So this is the map of ur floor, (I handed him the map from the book) if you go down to stairs that floor is my bedroom bathroom etc, etc, etc. Also the third floor is both of ours ok?" I told him "yes Rein thank you so so much!" Dobby said. I went back downstairs and grabbed my IPhone (the original iPhone). I hooked up to the WiFi (the password was in the booklet thing). Once I was done I went to 'Text' to send Herms a message. I started typing:
Hey Hermione!
Wait! I don't have her number! I'll go and see if she's awake. I put my phone in my back pocket of my skinny jeans. And took the key to her room out of my desk drawer and unlocked her door. "Knock, Knock! Herms r u awake!?" I whispered into the room. The lights were on in her room, she was sitting at her desk playing a game on her phone (it looked like flappy bird). She turned around, and I realized that it was her twin! Hermione was reading a book on her bed listening to music (I'm not sure which one was which I'm just guessing). "Oh hey guys!" I said to the duo. "Hey do u remember which one I am?" said the one reading (which I thought was Hermione cause she said she liked to read). "I'm going to say Hermione, and u r (I turned to the girl at the desk) Kelly?" I told them. "Correct!" Kelly said. "What ur phone numbers I was about to text u then I didn't know ur number?" I asked "oh mine is 108-395-4531" said Kelly "And Herms is the same except the last two numbers are flipped around so it's 108-395-4513." Kelly said. "Ok I'm creating your contacts right... now! Done!" Clink. The girls looked at their phones. And the phones said
Rein Malfoy-Black has added you to a group chat with Kelly Granger, and Hermione Granger.
Rein: Hey!
Kelly: haha hey!
Hermione: u know we have mouths to speak with! Lol
Real life
"Do you know Harry and Ron's numbers?" Kelly asked me "No, but I wanted to tell you something!" "Well let it out!" Kelly joke-yelled. "Did u know about how our dorms are larger!?" I asked them "Yes we looked at it this morning, in the middle of the night Kelly went to the bathroom and found how her room has it and so does mine, urs and Ron, and Harry's! I haven't seen it yet, but she has. I will look at it before breakfast." Hermione told me. "Oh, well it's pretty cool." I told her. "Ok, well I have a funny story! About Kelly went to the bathroom. She went in and screamed bloody murder. She woke me up! (she glared at Kelly) She was screaming because she saw a house elf, your house elf Dobby, cleaning her bathroom. When she told me this I couldn't hold it in I completely LOST IT, I couldn't stop laughing for like 3mins." Hermione told me. "Omg seriously!" I said to Kelly. "Yep true as heck!" Kelly said. "I'm gonna go see Harry and Ron do u wanna come?" I asked them "Sure!" "Bring you phones we can get their numbers." I told the girls. I went back to my room and got the key to my room (so I could get back in) and went into Kelly's room, (we had to cut through her room to get to Harry's room), we knocked. "Come in!" I heard Ron say. Kelly unlocked his room with her key and we paraded in! "Hello Harry, hey Ron!" I said (the girls said hello to the boys also). "Hey!" Harry said to us. "Hello" Ron replied. "This is Harry's room right?" Hermione said. "Yep its mine, and did you know about that dude who made it huge! Ur rooms are like it to! Reins has like one extra feature which is the stage, we all have the music room but we don't have a stage. Not that I care, hehe I'm not much of a show person." Harry said. "Yea we know." Kelly said. "Uh whats your numbers?" Kelly asked them. "Oh mine is 108-407-6871." Ron said. "Mine is 108-408-3452" Harry said. A few seconds went by. Swoop. The boys looked at their phones. The phones said
Hermione Granger has added you to a group chat with Kelly Granger, Rein Malfoy-Black, Harry Potter, and Ronald Weasley.
Rein: Hey!
Kelly: haha hey!
Hermione: u know we have mouths to speak with! Lol
Real life
"I'm starving!" Ron said. "Same" replied Harry "Same!" said the twins at the same time "me too!" I agreed. "Well I'm quite good at cooking charms! So we can make breakfast in my room!" Kelly told us. We walked into her room, to her kitchen. "I don't have food though." Kelly said "It looks like you do!" Ron said with his head sticking out of the fridge. Kelly walked over to Ron and to everyone's (except mine)amazement it was full with food! "Uh.. what? Where'd the food come from?" Kelly asked. "In the booklet it said that the fridges are fully loaded with whatever food you want at the moment! So... what do you want for breakfast?" I told her. "Do u guys like pancakes?" Kelly asked us. "YES!" we all yelled. "Haha Ron close the fridge!" Kelly said. "Open it" she said when he opened it there was all the refrigerated ingredients for pancakes. She walked over to the cupboard and found the unrefrigerated ingredients. She put them on the huge counter top, and took out her wand. "Pancakio confringo!" Kelly said. The ingredients arose and began to mix themselves in bowls and all of a sudden the room got warm. Pop. pop. pop. Where the ingredients stood there was now a plate full of pancakes with the ingredients behind it. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Kelly said and the ingredients flew to the cupboards and the fridge. "Ta da! Pancakes!" Kelly said. Everyone went up to the pancakes and put a few on their plates. "Hey do you want to eat in my room?" I said "sure" she said. They followed me to my room, and through the kitchen to the big island. And found our chairs (the ones with their names on them) and sat and ate. 5mins later Ron said "I'm thirsty." "Same come with me I'll find something to drink." I said. We walked to the fridge and I opened it and said "milk good? Or do you want some water or Coke?" "I'll take some milk or coke you can choose." Ron said "GUYS DO U WANT MILK WATER, OR COKE?" I yelled down to the table. "Coke" "coke" "water" they said, "so I'm having coke, u said coke?" I asked Ron "Yep" he said "Mk so four coke, one water. Ron could you pour the water? The cups are on the second shelf I think and the water, the spout thing is on the fridge." I said "sure" he said, I poured the four cokes into wine glass looking cups, with a gold and green trimming around the top of the glasses. "Fancy shmancy!" I said "haha" Ron said. We carried the drinks to the table and everyone took their own drinks, and finished eating.

Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now