Sleepover Pt. 1

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At the moment the time was 11:43, the boys were in in Ron's room watching television. The girls were in Kelly's room do gymnastics.

---------~Girls Sleepover/Kelly's Room~---------------

"Hermie? Can you do a back handspring?" Rein asked

"Think so, lemme try..." Hermione bent backwards into a back bend, kicked her legs up into a handstand, put her legs on the ground like a bridge/back bend, and stood up. "Is that a back handspring?" she said while out of breath. "Yea but i think back handsprings have a bit more spring then that, you were reaaaally relaxed." Kelly replied. "Can you do one Rein?" Kelly asked. "I have done one before, im not that great." Rein replied. Rein took a ponytail off of her wrist and tied her hair back with it. She launched backwards, into a back bend, kicked her legs upward, and instead of landing like a normal person she flipped, then landed on her back on the floor. "Well... OW and i used to do gym when i was little. That was what we did i one of our competitions." Rein said while sitting up and rubbing her head. "Mission accomplished?" she said laughing. "I'm sore, can we do gym another time?" Kelly said. "Sure what d'you wanna do??" Rein asked Kelly. "Lets explore!" Kelly said laughing after. "Yessss!" Hermione said. Since they were in the living room they walked over to Kelly's desk (the desk under the picture frames) and opened the top drawer and took out the thick booklet. Kelly fumbled through a few pages before finding one that was labeled: Directions For Music Room. She showed Rein and Hermione. "Uh what are we going to do in the music room im not a singer, im not recording a song." Hermione said. "Ugh your no fun and besides i just wanted to see whats in there." Kelly said running to the doorway. The girls followed behind her, up two flights of stairs, and down a hallway. "Here we are ladies!" Kelly said shoving the door labeled Music Room open. "Whoah!" she exclaimed in awe. "Look at all the CDs!" Kelly said. "Awesome!" Rein said running to the CD wall and searched it a bit. She walked up and down the wall a few times, it was organized in alphabetical order, each section was labeled with a tiny gold plate with a letter on it. Rein stopped at B on her third time back and forth, she looked up and down. She took out her wand, pointed it at the wall lamp, Kelly and Hermione were infront of the wall lamp she was pointing to so they were frightened. Rein didnt know this so the twins made noises of fear. "Whats a matter?" Rein asked still thinking. "Your-yo-your pointing your wa-wand at us!" Kelly screamed in fear. "Wha-" Rein cut her self off by turning around. "Oh sorry i wasnt going to hex you or anything i was pointing it at the wall lamp behind you. I was going to turn it on so i can see the CDs better. So sorry!" Rein exclaimed in sorrow. "Its all good!" Kelly said out of breath from the incident. "Thank you, sorry again and scooch out of the way please before i lumos your heads by accident." Rein laughed. "Oh yea..." Kelly said crouching down while Hermione hopped to the side. "LUMOS SENDTENTIA" (pronounced Loo-mose Send-Ten-Tea-Uh) Rein forcefully said at the lamp. The lamp purked up with bright yellow light. "There we go..." Rein said pointing at one of the CDs with her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa" she said at the CD that was now levatating steadily in one spot in the air. Rein realesed her tense hand support of her wand and the CD flew at her face, but she caught it before it came within a foot of her nose. "Ahah!" she ran to a sound system attached to the wall and opened the 3 CD holder in the player poped in the CD. Kelly recognized it. It was 'Toxic' by Britney Spears. "I love this song!" Rein said she then began to sing the lyrics:

"Baby, can't you see

I'm calling

A guy like you should wear a warning

It's dangerous

I'm falling

There's no escape

I can't wait

I need a hit

Baby, give me it

You're dangerous

I'm loving it"

Hermione said "Oh yea I think ive heard it before." "I've heard it, it is like one of my favorites!" she also began to sing with Rein. They giggled. "Oooh Oooh! Lemme pick a CD now!" Hermione said running at one of the cases named "5". She picked one with a man on the cover, behind him was a fence, above him were the words "50 Cent" in thick chunky letters. She smiled and ran to the stereo, she put it in. She began to bop her head back and forth, how unlike Hermione. Rein chuckled, then began to hum the beat. The song was 'Candy Shop'. Both Kelly and Rein, knew the words to the song. All 3 girls then began to sing

"I'll take you to the candy shop

I'll let you lick the lollipop

Go 'head girl don't you stop

Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa"

Rein Malfoy Black (kid of Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz