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( This story is ranking 473 !! IM so happy omg! Thank you guys so much!!! )(Updated 12/20/18)

( edit 8/24/2021)

Fully human? What in the flip flapjack are they talking about? What is happening?
"Care to explain? I asked?

" Well, they are Hybrids,  spirits of animals.  I.N and Han are Wolfs, Minho is a Fox.  Chan and Changbin are Jaguar's, Felix and Seungmin are Leopard's and Now Hyunjin is a Panther. " Junwoo explained.

I took that moment to quickly peek up at Hyunjin who was silently standing guard at the door. however, just as quickly looked back away when his eyes snapped up to meet mine.

Okay, so let's say that I believe all of this....for now. What exactly do you want from me? I met eyes with Manager Junwoo.

"Ok, so here's the thing. We actually need you for a two-part job. The fact that you would be teaching them English was not a lie. The other job is that we are hoping for you to be their handler." He motioned to the boys.

"Handler? What the hell does that mean?" You looked at the members and they each had hopeful looks on their faces...except for hyunjin, His eyes just staring right into my soul.
My common sense screamed at me to run far away But you were intrigued about the possibility of all of this being true.

"there are times when they can't control some of their powers-or animals-inside themselves. That's where a handler comes in. There are very, very few people in the world who can be handlers. Because you can see their true eyes, we know you are one of them. How does this sound Lily? " Junwoo asked hopefully

" Well, to be honest, I have no clue what to think, I just need to let this sink in. " I replied.
Still feeling nervous, Kinda want to barge through that door and run away far.

" Is the meeting over? I'm kind of hungry." I.n replied. HE EVEN TALKS CUTELY.

"I'll go order chicken while you guys, uh, get to know each other." He smiled and ran off up the stairs. Honestly, you were pretty sure he just wanted to escape.
You looked back to the boys and smiled awkwardly. You noticed that Tiana was typing away on her phone like usually.
" Time to get to know you noona!" I.n screamed like a little 5-year-old.
They brought you to a long couch against a wall and motioned for you to sit. You obliged and they circled around you on the floor. You laughed a bit because they looked like a kindergarten class ready for storytime.

Favorite Song?- Chan
"Stuck between voices or question" I replied
Bias?- Han
"I like you all"
" Do you want us to show you around?-Changbin

The question kept coming and coming. I tried to answer as truthfully as I could.

" wait you have to have a bias.". Oh my lorddddd.
"Ehhhh! No, come on! That's not right! There has to be one of us you like more!" Chan looked up at you from the floor.

"No, not really. Everybody is equal!" You smiled at them, trying to get them to drop the subject.

At that point, Junwoo and Tiana reentered the room with the chicken. Thank goodness! They'll be distracted by the food.

"Tiana  Noona! Answer a question for us!" Felix ran to her side and grabbed the chicken from her. The rest went towards the bag that Junwoo had. "Who is Lily's favorite in Stray kids?"

Or not...

Tiana looked at you and you made every gesture you could to keep her from answering. She just smiled. Oh no...

" Hyunjin" She smirked.  My heart dropped. I will just ignore everyone for now. I went and grabbed some chopsticks and reached for a piece of chicken. After a couple of pieces, a hand reached around you to pick up a piece of chicken. At the same time, an arm went around your shoulders. You jumped a bit and looked up at a very tall Hyunjin behind you. He looked down at you and you noticed his eyes had turned to an ocean blue.

Damn, why does his eyes have to be one of my favorite colors? This will be so hard for me.

" Oh, by the way, Tiana favorite is Felix" I smoothly put that into the conversation.
"Really?!  Noona that's great!" Felix ran over to Tiana and enveloped her in a hug.

I grabbed some chicken and walked over to the floor in front of the couch, I noticed a presence right away. Hyunjin.

Might as well make small talk.
"Will you explain this handler stuff to me? I asked. I feel like I have a weight on my shoulders.

Then he spoke
"Handlers are very important to hybrids. We should have had one a long time ago but we couldn't find one. You really are very rare." You blushed a bit at his comment. "So handlers basically keep us in check and help us with normal human situations. However, because you are rare, other hybrids will seek you out. So usually a handler gets a guardian. A guardian is just that. They safeguard you and protect you if another hybrid or something like that comes along. I decided to be your guardian. That's why my eyes turned pure blue. That's the color you will usually see because you will see your guardian's eyes in their purest form"

Before you ask, it is the hybrids choices to be your guardian. Its just instinct I guess.

wtf should I say thank you? " Oh eh well thanks."

I.n Spoke to Hyunjin for a little bit. His eyes lit up like a christmas tree.

Junwoo spoke "Okay, we need to get some official stuff out of the way. In order for Lily to be your handler, we have to link you all. This is done by each member, uh, sort of projecting their mind into yours" He pointed to you. he continued. "Okay let's do this."

"So, let's see. I guess Chan could go first. He is the oldest after all."

Chan took that as his cue, stood up, and walked towards you.  his hands came to rest on either side of your head.

Your vision came to rest on his neck.

"You need to look at my eyes, Lily" His voice finally reaching your thoughts, you looked up.

God I hate eye contact

Suddenly all thoughts escaped your brain. Your eyes were locked into his. After a few seconds his eyes gave off a slight glow and the back of your head started to hurt. The pain gradually increased until it felt as if you had knocked your head on a car door or ran full force into a wall. It didn't last long though. Maybe only 30 seconds and it was gone, completely. There was a slight ringing in your ears.

"Breathe, Lily !" MInho's voice penetrated the ringing and you inhaled. You sat back down in your seat and held your head in your hands. I don't like this feeling.

"Just rest for a few minutes. The ringing should not last long. Although, unfortunately, you still have eight more to go. It should get easier as you go along." Junwoo spoke.

Member after member came. " Ok Hyunjin you are next" Chan spoke up.
"Wait He is Lily's guardian, he needs to go last." the Maknae spoke.

Everyone nodded and moved on. Finally, it was Hyunjin's turn.

He hooked his finger under your chin and guided your head up to meet his gaze. You were pretty sure that the pure blue color of his eyes were going to be the death of you. He smiled a bit as if he was trying to put you at ease.

"Ready?" He didn't wait for a reply and simply placed his hands on the sides of your head.
At first, it was the same as the others had been. However, after a few seconds, you noticed that his eyes were changing. First, they turned a bright green, completely overtaking the blue. The next color was the stuff of nightmares.

Fire red with a hint of black in it.
I almost backed up a step but his hands held you in place. No matter how hard I tried, or how much I wanted to, I was unable to look away.

A slow ache started in my head and it rapidly increased to a searing pain. You clutched Hyunjin 's hands where they rested on your head. I felt my vision was starting to become white around the edges.
This did not happen to the others. Why now. I saw Hyunjin's eyes turn back to blue but  I felt my knee 's give away and I slowly was falling into Hyunjin's arms.

Darkness taking over my eyes..

A New Life ( Stray kids Hybrid Au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن