In Love and War

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Romulus left her apartment and mounted his bike, restraining his temper with a cool mind. His eyes hard, he turned it towards Vincent's place. He had never even bothered to learn the name of it before. He would now and he would remember it. Apparently, someone needed a lesson on what it meant to be family.

He pulled up outside the club with the long line to the door. A sneer curled his mouth when he saw the line. Or rather the lack of. All Roads Lead to Rome had twice that, easily. He loosened his shoulders with a quick roll as he began walking up. People moved out of his way and the doorman had a growing look of dread. He enjoyed his reputation and it was evident in every arrogant step he took. Romulus smiled coldly with gleaming fangs as he saw the man murmur into his mic then step up.

"I'm here to see your boss and his mate. Family business. This doesn't have to get messy." he said with a friendly smile and tone, "I can step through the door or the hole you put in it. Up to you."

A few minutes later, the music inside was broken by the sound of his body crashing through the door. True to his word, Romulus stepped in through the hole and looked up at the VIP section where he knew Vincent was. He continued inside, stepping over the groaning doorman. The bouncers started ranging around him as the crowd began dispersing. He smiled again, this time not so friendly. His sense of fair play kicked in and he issued his warning. After all, there were only four of them. A couple more joined them. Alright, six but it still wasn't fair. His fight wasn't with them.

"I have to admire your loyalty, guys. All I want to do is talk to the man." He dodged the first easily then caught the second by the throat, lifting him into the air, hand tightening. The rest of them halted as their co-worker grasped at Romulus' unwavering arm desperately. "Vincent. Get your ass down here or your man loses his throat."

"This is uncalled for, Romulus." Vincent's voice echoed over the now silent club as he came down the stairs. The security fell back as the lithe Latin vampire approached Romulus.

"It's Mr. Tiber to you." Romulus corrected and tossed the man he was holding to his friends with a casual flick of his wrist. "We need to talk privately."

Hesitating, Vincent glanced up at VIP then back Romulus. "We can talk in my office," he said shortly and led the way away from VIP. They entered the office and shut the door. "My mate isn't up to receiving visitors and doesn't do well alone just yet so if we could..."

Romulus backhanded him with enough force to have his head snapping to the side. There was a swiftly controlled growl. Vincent straightened and shook it off. His eyes burned red with vampiric fury but he kept it leashed. Personally, Romulus never saw the point.

"Mind telling me what this is about before I throw you out of my place?" Vincent snarled softly.

"A woman named Lyra Angelove." Romulus saw the flinch and the awareness dawn. "A woman you used to call family if her mementos are anything to go by."

"How do you know about her mementos? And why is her scent on you?" Vincent said angrily. Romulus lifted an eyebrow insolently at the show of protectiveness.

"How is that any of your business?" he inquired with a mocking smile.

"Why is she your business?" Vincent countered, leaning against his desk and raking his fingers through his brown hair, clearly attempting to regain control.

"When she comes into my club and draws the attention of my family, she becomes mine."

Vincent paled. "The incubus? Keep him away from her. She's been through enough."

"He was there when she needed someone and vice versa, so that's not happening." Romulus dismissed that suggestion immediately with a wave of his hand. "You left her alone and grieving when she needed family the most. Then you expect me to back off because something might hurt her? The air here is beginning to stink of hypocrisy."

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