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    I heard a loud thump. And then another.

My eyes that were tightly closed shut just a second ago cracked open. I took in some light, and then a bit more until I could see completely.

I knew that I just woke up from a deep slumber that didn't last that long. The time was figured right when I looked out the window with bright sunlight that flashed on my face. It was clearly sometime before noon that informs me that it has been just a few hours since I got on the train. I took back my arm that leaned against the window sill and sat back on my seat.

Looking at the opposite seat bench in front of me, my eyes followed more to the left where a guy sat, his one elbow propped over a knee. The other leg that rested free was carelessly hanging over the seat and stretched further, almost to my seat. He was looking down but then looked up to see me.

     It was just hours ago that I had such an encounter with him. Right while I was at the doorstep of the exit, getting the fresh air I badly needed, he entered the scene.

I was quickly pulled into someone, but using my own strength, the only bit left in me, I pulled back. I was in slight victory, only to end up knocking into the wall of the train near the exit door.

I closed my eyes from the reaction of hitting the wall, but then they soon opened again when I felt that there was someone in front of me.

When I opened my eyes, I was, in fact, right. A guy around the age between Zaina and Rahaan stood before me. He towered over and looked down, his expression showing that he was as confused as I myself was. His eyes were deep dark sunsets. It seemed as though I had seen them somewhere before.

I wanted to move, but there seemed to be no space around me to go by. That's when I realized that I had just been pulled by a stranger.

After asking him who on earth he was, he proceeds by explaining to me that he mistakenly thought I was someone else. His brother, was it?

We ended up being in the same compartment. Just by the little bit of conversation I had with him, I realized that this guy was slightly rude. But I guess I could be a pain too, sometimes. We will have to cope up.

    He propped himself on the seat that was left from the door, so I walked over and took a seat on the corner at the right side. The window was right there and when I placed my bag beside me, all the tiredness from the walk earlier took over me. My eyes shut and I fell asleep without my mind telling me to do otherwise.

   That is why I am here, sitting and looking at this guy. We both held our gazes until it was long enough for it to be awkward. I gulped and looked towards the window. He had looked away too.

      My stomach growled with hunger. I was supposed to meet Ameera in a bit. But for now, I should probably get something to eat.

    Taking my bag from beside me, I fished through it to find a packet of cream biscuits which I had finished another packet of with Ameera earlier while we waited for the train to come.

     I looked up at the guy once and we both once again made eye contact. I quickly looked away and finished my biscuits.

    Brushing my hands against each other to get all the crumbs away, I looked through my bag to see if I could find some other food.

     Right then, I saw the guy grabbing the bag that he had with him and looking through it. I looked back and continued my own search. While my hands grabbed around random items, mostly clothes, my fingers ended up hitting a slim paper-like item. I knew the texture of it so I brought it out in front of me.

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