Chapter 3 - Terrifying discovery.

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Letting out an ear-piercing sneeze, Charlie grabbed the tissue besides his pillow and wiped his nose. The dark-haired boy sighed slightly, sniffling as he tossed the used tissue away carelessly. All of a sudden, the door opened and he was greeted with a warm presence. "Here you go Charlie. I know how much you love my soup. And not Grizelda's." Maisie, Charlie's aunt spoke out before she handed the bowl of soup to the young boy. "Thanks." Charlie said in a monotone voice as he grabbed the bowl slowly, taking a sip of the soup before he began to cough and splutter. His tongue was burning and so were his insides. Charlie hissed in pain while Maisie narrowed her eyes. "Silly boy! Give it time to cool down. I swear you get your impatience from your mother." The old woman rolled her eyes then headed out of the room.

Charlie sighed and sniffled, placing the soup on a desk near him. His eyes then caught a photograph of when he was young, and was with his parents. More specifically, on his mother's lap. A smile appeared on his lips as he studied the photo. It was then that he realised something... Why couldn't he hear the picture speak out to him?

Raising an eyebrow, Charlie slowly crawled out of bed and opened the drawers, taking out a bunch of photos. He shuffled through all of the photos and his eyes began to flood with panic. "No!" He yelled out. As soon as the yell erupted from the house, the door abruptly opened and in stepped a tall, lean man with a bony figure. "What's wrong, boy?" He asked out, his voice carrying a hint of worry. Charlie, now on the verge of panicking, turned to look at his uncle Paton. "M-my endowment. It's gone..."

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