Chapter 6 - The Thunder House.

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The first day had surprisingly gone great for the blonde male. Olivia had introduced Jason to some of her friends. Emma, Billy and Gabriel. But Emma was suspicious of the new boy. When she looked into his eyes, she saw pain and abandonment, kind of like herself. Maybe it was because they both had lost their parents, but no one knew that Jason was an orphan. Not yet anyway.

It was now Wednesday and all the students were out considering it was lunch. But Emma Tolly was still indoors as she fixed her hair and took off her leather jacket. Tancred wasn’t responding to her texts and the blonde girl could only assume for the worst. What if he was cheating on her? Was he okay? But the truth was that Tancred Torsson was extremely sick. Same as Charlie, oddly enough.

A sigh escaped Emma’s lips after she took off her boots and relaxed her muscles. She closed her eyes and focused on nothing but her own thoughts, which was currently a pigeon. She had the ability to shift into any bird she wanted, and that was her plan at the moment. Seconds later, Emma opened her eyes again only for her to shrink, sprout weathers and grow a beak. She was now successfully a pigeon.

Letting out a small coo, Emma flapped her wings, raising into the air with ease before she flew through the open window, escaping the Academy. It had been awhile since Emma became a bird, and she loved every second of it. Flying above the city, feeling the cold air attack her feathers as she would occasionally swoop down for the fun of it. Emma then landed on the roof of a dark house. The Torsson house.

Tancred’s house was known for its. Housing two powerful storm-bringers, the dark building would usually be surrounded by a strong gust of wind, as well as rain and a bit of thunder, hence people called it the Thunder House. But no longer. There was no thunder, no rain and no wind. Now it just looked like a dark house on a typical street. What was going on, exactly?

Shifting back into human, Emma entered the house and grabbed Tancred’s shirt behind the door, putting it on. It was rather big for her and would cover her mid-thigh, which is what she needed since no one would enter the house naked. Being Tancred’s girlfriend, she was allowed inside the house whenever she pleased. Mr and Mrs Torsson were like her second parents, after Julia and Paton, of course.

Emma knocked on Tancred’s door three times before she heard a powerful sneeze in response. She rose an eyebrow and entered the room cautiously, frowning when she saw a very sick blonde male lying on the bed. “Tancred?” She asked with concern, sitting on the corner of the bed as she glanced at the boy. “Oh, hey Em- Atichoo!” He let out a powerful sneeze. Tancred then sniffled and looked back up at her, smiling sheepishly. “I’m glad you came.”

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