Chapter 8

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I check my messages and my classmates sending me questions "how are you?" How do you feel being a girlfriend to a famous celebrity?"

So I read all of them not answering them and then go to Twitter. I see QandA videos from Shawn's tour going on. He only has two tour destinations left. No one has ever asked him what this girl asked him.

Q and A....

Fan: Is your girlfriend okay?

Shawn: I don't have a girlfriend. Who are you guys referring too when you send me fanmails and ask me questions about my girlfriend?

Fan: We are talking about Janvi.

Shawn: Janvi is just my good friend. We haven't talked in a while mostly because me being in tour.

Fan: Can you call her?

Shawn: Yeah sure before the show I will talk to her.

Fans says right now

Shawn: You guys want me to call her now.

Fans: Yess.

Shawn: I am not sure if she will pick up. She mostly do not pick up unknown callers that I have learned after 4 weeks of living with her.

He calls me... and puts his phone on speaker.

Scarlett: Hello.

Shawn: Hello. Am I talking to Janvi?

Scarlett: Uh no. I am her best friend Scarlett. Who is this?

Shawn: This is Shawn Mendes calling. I wanted to talk to her.

Scarlett: Oh my God. Thank God you called. We have been trying to contact you for so long. We have a bad news.

Shawn: What's wrong? And do you know why everyone keeps asking me If Janvi is okay?

Scarlett: I guess I can tell you this now while she is resting but she has lung cancer and few days ago she passed out and we took her to the hospital, she had breathing problems and didn't get enough protein in her. Please don't tell her this. All she knows that she had breathing problem.

Shawn gets shocked and scared...

Shawn: Is she going to be okay?

Scarlett: Doctor said that if it's not treated properly then she might die.

Shawn: Oh my God. I wish got to know this sooner. When did this all happen?

Scarlett: Right after you left, some of your fans tweeted about her saying that they dont like her and I am more prettier then her, what did he see in her that he didn't see in me. And then she was off of phones for a weeks and all of sudden a month ago this happened.

Shawn: Okay. Thank you letting me know. I am going to visit her as soon as possible. Bye

He hangs up. He is getting a bit emotional

Shawn: Okay. I did not know this happened at all. Why didn't anyone write this to me?

Fan: We thought you knew.

While Shawn is discussing this with his fans. Scarlett talks to vivi about this.

Scarlett: Vivi, it finally happened. I finally got in touch with Shawn.

Vivi: How?

Scarlett: Apparently Janvi gave her number to him and he was in Q and A. And I am guessing fans asked him to talk to Janvi. But I picked up instead and told him everything.

Vivi: Thank God we told him. Janvi was always thinking that Shawn would never contact her back. But she was wrong. When are these two gonna come to senses.

Scarlett: Wouldn't we have to tell Janvi about this at one point.

Vivi: Yeah you are right. We would have to. But not just yet. She still has 3 months of treatment to go through. Let her finish that first and then we will tell her.

Scarlett: Its awesome how this medicines are making her rest because she would never rest.

Vivi: Yeah. I agree. She is one stubborn girl. I love her so much. I hope she gets okay soon.

Now back to the Q and A......

Shawn: And I wanna point this out to all the fans that said things about Janvi. That she is beautiful inside and out. And she is amazing. She helps people even though she has something really important for her to do and there is no one in this world who is like her.

Fan: Not even you?!

Shawn: No not even me.

Fan: I love her as well. She is really great. She dresses really nice as a model and all this by working hard on her own and she didn't have any help because she don't have parents. Mostly kids without parents are spoiled.

Shawn's bodyguard: Alright it's time for Shawn to go and get ready for the concert.

All the fans go to the sitting area of the concert and wait till the concert starts and this went on for his other two shows as well.

So Shawn decides to post a video on his Twitter and goes live on Instagram and clear rumors about me...

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