Sorry, but I always get what I want...

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(Y/n)'s POV: I walked into Litwak's with Dani as per usual. I so badly wanted to play Turbotime! I missed that little guy.. Wait.. Where is it? It should be right next to Fix it Felix Jr!
"Mr. Litwak?"

Litwak: Yes sweetheart? What's the problem?

"Where's Turbotime?"

Litwak: Oh.. That game along with Roadblasters went coocoo! I unfortunately had to unplug both.. 

"Oh... I see.." I walked around for something new.. Something that would catch my attention.. The arcade was pretty empty today..

Dani: *He ran up to me* I TOLD you it was a bad idea to come here! I TOLD YOU I JUST WANTED TO GO HOME!

"Christ Dani! Would you calm down?"

Dani: NO! DON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! *He slapped me across the face, hard*

"Ow!" I rubbed my cheek "Dani that hurt...!"

Turbo: *He watched the whole thing from a nearby game screen* ..... *he started to glitch as he got angry from seeing that.. He knocked on the screen*

"Huh?" I looked over and saw a pissed off Turbo "What the.."

Dani: ......


Dani: *he got up to the screen* And how would you know? You're nothing but code!

Turbo: Heheheheh.. I may be code but I still know that it's not okay to slap around YOUR GIRLFRIEND!

To be continued when I get home from work..

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