The Breakup

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Turbo's POV:

I knew she was pissed at me.. But I always get what I want.. And She WILL be mine, I'm not giving up!!

*I suddenly socked Dani in the face, it hurt like hell to hit pixels that hard, but I didn't care. Then I saw how much taller he was than me. I was only about 5'3" in human height. Not exactly tall..

Dani: *spat out blood and glared at me* What's your problem?! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!

*my face got red with anger*

"I KNOW! BUT I DON'T CARE!" I glitched

(Y/n): *She was watching this whole thing go down* Dani.. You're being an asshole. Stop.. I.. I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!

*I smirked at her* I'm glad you agree with me..

(Y/n): You're not out of hot water with me yet.. Just... Leave me alone, I have to think... *She thought for a few moments before realizing, she knew nothing about being a new video game character* ..Damnit...

*I raised an eyebrow* What?

(Y/n): Ugh.. I have no idea of how to live here...

Turbo: Well.. I can show ya around..


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