A midget racing yandere

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(Y/n)'s POV:

What was wrong with me? I wanted so badly to break away from his grasp yet.. Somehow, I still cared about him..

Turbo smirked "So...My little prodigy...What's it gonna be...? Are you gonna be with me like I want..? Or are we gonna have to do this the hard, corrupty way?"

"Agh!" My pixels froze up. I couldn't move.

Turbo walked up to me and ran his fingers through my hair "Well?" He snapped his fingers and let (y/n) out of his grasp

"Gaah!" I fell to the ground, quickly picking myself up "I...I don't know Turbo.. "

"I thought you said you were gonna give me a chance. You didn't lie to me did you??" Turbo growled under his breath

"N-no I didn't...I just.."

He glared "Just what??"

"I just-"

Suddenly, he angrily grabbed me by the collar of my racing suit and pulled me close "Stop it..."

I smirked at him "Make me..."

"Hmpf...God I hate you..." Turbo said as he suddenly kissed me, hard.

"Mphf!!" I blushed and kissed back this time. I could feel my face heating up. God damnit.. I was in love wasn't I?

He pulled away from me after a few seconds and let me go "So it's settled then, isn't it?" He got a crazed look in his eyes "YOU'RE MINE AND MINE ALONE!!" He chuckled

I backed away a bit "You're crazy!!" I said as I ran off

"What the?? NO!!" He snapped his fingers and froze (y/n)  "you're not leaving...Heheheheh... You'll learn to love me..." he smirked insanely "You'll learn in no time..."

No way in hell was I gonna be a prisoner here... Suddenly I focused my energy.. And... Broke from his entrapment! I escaped Turbotime and went into the game next to ours.. Roadblasters? Ew.. But it's whatever..


Turbo-tastic!  Turbo x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora