Lachlan's POV

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I can't breathe. I can't move. I can't see anything. All that surrounds me is the darkness of nothing... everything. But there's a light. A small flickering glimmer of hope. I rise as well as I can and advance toward the light. I seem to be in some sort of tunnel that narrows and widens as I close in on the light. I reach the brightest point and see a small, jade green orb placed on a pedastal. My first instinct is to touch it. So I do. My hand reflects on the shiny surface as I reach toward it. As my fingers graze the orb, my feet drop out from under me. I begin falling at a rapid pace with no sign of stopping soon. I begin screaming. A twisted, mangled scream of the purest horror, death. I feel something warm touch my back and I assume it must be Death. I accept him with open arms.

"God, Lachlan are you okay?!"

Preston practically yells into my ear. I'm wrapped up in a quilt with Preston gripping my shoulders like I just had a seizure or something. I remain silent, shocked. He just stares at me with those bewildered brown eyes. I feel water in my eyes and a bit escapes, forming a tear. It runs down the side of my face and stops around my cheek. The rest of the tears come cascading down until I'm full on sobbing. Preston holds me closer and strokes my hair.

"Shh, the dream is over. You're safe. You're with me. And I love you."

He purrs with his soft voice. Preston pecks me on the cheek and I stop crying. Glancing over at the clock across the bed, I stand up. I go to the bathroom and pull down my pants. I let it go and let my mind go at the same time. I think back to the dream that now is wisps of cloudy memory. I can't make sense of it and the more I think, the more it disappears. I flush and wash my hands, then leave the bathroom. I return and lay down next to Preston. It's 3:00 in the morning so I try to doze off. Sleep comes quickly.

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