Lachlan's POV

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I try to remain calm as our plane lands on American soil. The last time I did this I was so overjoyed I could barely speak. We get off the plane and Vikk holds my hand all the way through the airport. A few people look at us weirdly and scoff. I don't understand what we're doing wrong. We get to our hotel and check in. There is only one bed so Vikk and I have to share. I can be okay with that. Vikk yawns and says,

"It's about 2 AM here. We should get some sleep."

I was going to take a shower but I can't. Not after the dream. I change into my pajamas and lie down. Vikk lies with me and we stay silent for some time.

"Lachlan. You still awake?"

Vikk whispers.

"Yeah. Are you?"

I ask in return. I can almost hear him smile next to me. He places his hand firmly on my arm and then pulls himself closer to me. He doesn't have a shirt on and now he's staring directly at me. His face merely inches from mine.

"I'm so glad they found him. I just want you to be happy."

He whispers. I smile meekly and he grins from ear to ear. He rolls over and I hear him snoring within minutes. I feel my eyelid droop and accept sleep reluctantly.

I won't dream, not this time.

The next morning we catch a cab early to the police station. It's odd that they're keeping him there but I pay no attention. There are butterflies in my stomach. I'm nervous.

What will he say?

Is he going to kiss me like he did that first night?

So many questions, not enough answers.

We arrive at the station and get out. We pay the driver and thank him. I turn back and walk up to the door. Taking a deep breath, I open it and walk in. A lady sits at a reception desk. I walk up to her.

"I'm here to see Preston, please."

I say, confidently.

"Oh. You must be the European. Okay. Follow me."

She says. She seems kind enough. She walks me through a big area. Past the cells. I thought Preston would be in the cells... If not, where is he?

She takes me down a long staircase. It gets colder by the second. Chills race through me. I don't like this. But I'm doing it for Preston. She turns one final corner and I see the sign: Morgue.



This can't be where Preston is.

It just can't!

"I-is he in t-there?"

I squeak.

"I'm sorry, sir. Really. Suicide is never a way to go."

The lady looks sympathetically at me. I hear the rushing of water in my head once more.

But it isn't water, it's blood.

I feel dizzy.

Preston, gone.

He's gone.

Forever. I sprint back up the stairs.



No, no, no.

This can't be. It can't be the end. I race out of the station and past Vikk on a bench. I start to run. I don't know where. I'm just going away from that station.

Away from that lady.

Away from Vikk.

Away from Preston.

Tears stream down my cheeks. I come across a small bridge. The place seems peaceful enough. I stop and lean against the edge. I sigh and watch the sun. Looking down, it dawns on me.

Preston killed himself.

The running water, my dream.

This is it.

This HAS to be where he did it.

I feel a huge lump in my throat. I'm standing where he last lived.

His final breath, his last thought.

I can't handle this. I can't do any of it.

Maybe he wants me to come with him.

Maybe he wants me to stay.

Maybe he thought I was already gone.

I can't do this.


No, no, no.

I pull one leg over the edge and then the other. I sit on the edge, my legs almost dangling. I take a deep breath and stand.

I'm ready to go.

I can let go.

A strong hand grabs me.

I don't know if it's Preston pulling or pushing me.

I pull away.


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