PRESTON'S POV (You wot m8?)

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A steady parade of beeps and a faint rustle of papers are the only sounds I hear. I open my eyes and am blinded by a sterile. white light. I try to gasp but something is lodged in my throuat. I begin to gag and choke, flailing around. A frail, gray haired woman appears at my side.

"Shhh. It's okay. Just relax and I'll pull the tube out, alright?"

The woman cooes. I try to calm down as she pulls the tube out. I cough as it leaves my mouth. "Better?" She asks. I nod and glance at her nametag.

"Thanks, Janet."

I say, my voice still raspy. I sit in silence for a moment. My eyes widen.


I choke out. Janet looks at me concernedly.

"I beg your pardon?"

She asks.


I say, louder now. She looks confused. Panic begins to set in, my heart beating faster and faster.

"Short blonde hair, around my age, the most beautiful blue eyes. He's from Australia and he was in my house when the tornado hit. Where is he?"

I barely get the words as my eyes start to water.

"I don't know of anyone like that here but I'll send Mike to you. He's the paramedic who rescued you."

Janet says and leaves the room. Moments later I hear the clomp of boots approach me. A man in his thirties walks into the room.

"Hello. I'm Mike."

He says.

"Where's Lachlan?"

I ask, a tear streaks down my face. He too, looks confused.

"He... he was in the house with me when it came down."

I try to explain. The man looks sorrowful and tired. He glances at me and says,

"You were alone in that house when we found you..."

He continues on but all of the color must've drained from my face because he stops. I can't hear anything but a loud, shrill ringing.

If Lachlan's not here, where is he?

From The Dust: A TBNRduty FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin