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Austin P.O.V
I lay on my bed once again in a deep thought. Waiting for Landon to come tell me that we're going for supper. My mind is going basically all over the place. I still have to apologize to Camryn and I don't know how. I basically called her a whore and it bugs me. As much as I want to believe Landin when he says that Camryn already forgave me. I just can't. I need to hear it for myself.

I remember something that some of the kids at the orphanage used to do when they had to apologize to one another. It was this dance they had to do with a song and the stupider you looked the more sorry you are. I just can't for the life of me remember how it goes.

I'm once again broken out of my thoughts when my door opens. I think it's Landon but it's not, it's Camryn.

"Hey Camryn" I say quietly.

"Hey Austin, Landon is getting Collette ready and I was wondering if you wanted some help with your hair or something?" She asks. I nod. She takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. After turning on the light, I see that she as quite the assortment of hair products.

"So what do you want to do with it?" She asks as she begins to run her fingers through my hair.

"Do you know how to fishtail braid" I ask

"Yea is that what you want?" Camryn asks

"Yes please" I say. After a little bit she is done braiding my hair. She hands me a blue dress that she wore when she was my age. I go behind the changing wall thing and put on the dress. When I come out Camryn is gone so I just sit on my bed. About a minute or two later Caryn comes back with some strappy sandals. Which are black.

"Oh my god, Austin you look beautiful!" Camryn says. She hands me the sandals which I put on.

"Thank you Cam" I say. Camryn smiles at me.

"So do you wanna go to the living room? I'm sure Landon is done dressing Collette by now" Camryn asks.

"Before we go, Camryn I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I basically called you a whore and I've been beating myself up over it. I don't know what came over me. I understand completely if you dont forgive me and wanna give me back" I say. Camryns eyes widen.

"Oh sweetie, of course I forgive you, and we would never give you back. You are part of this family no matter what" Camryn says. I wrap my arms around her.

"Thanks Camryn" I say

"Now, ready to go?" Camryn asks.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I say. Cam smiles and we walk to the living room. Landon is strapping Collette into her car seat. And once finished he stands up and turns around.

"You look beautiful Austin" Landon says. I smile.

"Thanks Landon" I say. We all make our way out to the car. Landon buckles Collette's seat into the car, then being the overprotective Dad he is, checks to make sure my seat belt is on right. Then gets in the front seat and begins to drive.

At the restaurant

We end up going to Boston Pizza. Ironic to me. Anyways, Camryn and Landon tell me I can order whatever I want, but I'm still gonna watch the price. Basically I'm not getting anything under 10 dollars. I don't want to seem too greedy.

"So Austin, tell us about you" Camryn says.

"Well, my name is Austin Rose, I'm 11, turning 12. My birthday is on January 14th. My birth parents died in a car accident bring me home from the hospital, which is why I never knew my birth last name. I was bullied a lot at the orphanage. I love guitar and reading. I also watched your videos a lot. Some people called me A.R. which stand for either Austin Rose or always reading. And yeah that's me I guess" I say.

"Wow, that's a lot" Camryn says.

You don't even know the half of it. I think

"So when are you guys going to introduce me on youtube?" I ask

"Well we don't want to rush you, so basically whenever you want" Landon says.

"Yeah, I mean we didn't wanna overwhelm you by shoving a camera in your face the second we adopted you." Camryn says, "besides we have a few pre-recorded vlogs to upload if you dont want to be on youtube right away"

"Honestly, the sooner the better. Like get it over with so that if we are out together as a family and someone sees us, we don't have to worry about them 'exposing' you" I say. Camryn and Landon nod in agreement.

Later that night

Camryn is currently putting Collette to bed. I am sitting on the couch reading while Landon is finishing up some dishes. I feel like I'm being lazy though because they made the decision to take me into their home. I mean the least I could do is help.

I mark my book page and set it on the table. Then begin cleaning up some of Cocos toys and stuff. I must be making noise because Landon comes to check on me.

"What are you doing Austin?" Landon asks

"Just cleaning up a bit, saving you and Cam the hassle of doing it" I say

"She won't go down" Camryn says coming into the living room with a very much awake Collette.

"Here give her to me, I'll see if I can get her down" I tell Camryn. She gives me a confused look but hands her over anyways. I walk back into Cam and Landon's room. I set Coco down in her crib for a second before climbing in myself. I pick her up and rock her. Humming the tune of hold me close by iris. Eventually her eyes shut and she falls asleep. I wanted to call Landon or Camryn but I didn't want to risk waking her up. So I just end up falling asleep.

Landon P.O.V

I notice that Austin has been with Collette for over 20 minutes. So I decide to go check on them. I peer in Cam and I's room and don't see them at first. But then I see a little bit of Austin jet black hair coming up over the crib bar. I walk over there silently to see my two wonderful daughters sleepinh in Collette's crib. Collette asleep in Austin's arms. I smile to myself and whisper yell for Camryn to come in.

"What is it?" She asks. I shush her and lead her over to the crib and her face breaks into a smile.

"That's so cute" she squeals. She takes a picture with her phone and I make a mental note to print it out. Camryn takes Collette out of Austin's arms and it doesn’t wake either of them. I pick up Austin out of the crib and carry her to her bed.

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