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Currently, we are on our way to Camryn's mom's house. I'm currently nervous because I feel like they won't accept me. I have my headphones in while listening to my ipod trying to calm myself down. But it isn't working.

"Austin, you alright?" Camryn asks

"Oh, yeah. Fine" I say.

"Are you sure? We have been here for five minutes already and you haven't moved" Camryn says.

"Oh. Oops" I say. Cam shakes her head. Landon gets Coco out of the car, but tells me to stay. She texts her mom to come outside.

"Camryn why don't you just come in?" Her mom says as she comes outside.

"Because mom, Landon and I have a bit of a suprise for you" Camryn says.

"What is it?" Her mom asks. Cam opens the door and gestures for me to get out of the car, which I do.

"Landon and I adopted a kid" Camryn says.

"Oh my god" her mom says. She covers her mouth in shock.

"Hi" I say shyly.

"Hello sweetie, oh my god" Cams mom runs up and hugs me. I just kind of stand there

"Mom don't swarm her please, she has really bad anxiety" Camryn says as she sees me starting to breathe a bit heavier. Her mom nods.

"Well come in you guys" her mom says. Camryn takes Coco from Landon and they go inside. Landon stays back with me. I sit down beside the car and put my head in my hands, trying to comprehend everything.

"Austin, are you alright?" He asks, crouching to my level. I nod slightly. Landon sits down beside me. I lean into him a bit for comfort.

"I just- didn't expect that reaction" I breathe.

"I didn't either" he says. He chuckles bit. "Are you ready to go in?"

"I think so" I say.

Time skip

When we get back to the apartment, I fall on the bean bag in exhaustion. Today was very eventful. And I'm lucky, because I'm accepted by Camryns family.

"See sweetie, I told you, there was nothing to worry about" Camryn says, sitting down beside me.

"I mean, after you pranked her with saying you were pregnant again I thought she would say that you guys were irresponsible" I say.

"Well, even if she did" Landon says, sitting down on the opposite side of me. "There is nothing she could say or do that would make us give you back" I smile at both of them.

"I love you guys" I say, without thinking. Their faces light up. This is the first time I said it.

"We love you too Austin" Camryn says.

The next day

The day after is Monday, Cam is gonna post the video about my adoption. Then at about seven she's doing an instagram live. I've been anxious all day because Cam put on her story that there is a big announcement in today's video. I'm scared of what fans will think.

I'm currently sitting in my room, listening to and humming along to Hinder, because they are on of my favorite bands. And music calms my nerves. Cam and Landon know I'm nervous about it.

I feel my phone vibrate, and I got a notification.

Cam&Fam has uploaded a new video:
Big Suprise || Teen Parents

Out of habit I click on the video right away. I sit and watch the video before I scroll through the comments. The first part of the video is the introduction of me, then when we went shopping for my room. In between those two it's the little bit that Camryn recorded of Landon tickling me after I stole the peice of bacon on his plate.

At the end of the video, I reload the page and scroll through the comments.

User1 I thought you were pregnant

User2 eww. Where did they find someone as ugly and annoying as her?

User3  she doesn't deserve to be in their family

User4  guys stop hating on Austin, she is beautiful

User5 they will give her back in a week, just watch

User6 I hope she isn't in vlogs, if she is I'll unsubscribe.

At this point I can't read anymore. Tears are streaming down my face. I knew I wouldn't be accepted.

"Hey Austin, are you ready to do the instagram live?" Camryn says poking her head into my room. I have my head lowered so she can't see me crying.

"No. I don't want to do it anymore" I say, choking back a sob.

"Are you sure?" She asks. I nod. "Okay" she closes the door. I fall on my bed in a ball of tears. I stay like that for about 20 minutes. My sobs don't subside at all. I hear a knock at my door.

"Austin, sweetie?" Landon says through the door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Landon" I lie. Then a sob escapes my mouth. Landon opens the door.

"Sweetie what the matter?" He asks running to my side.

"They don't like me Landon, they don't accept me" I say as tears continue to fall.

"You were reading comments weren't you?" He says. I nod at him. He frowns.

"If they can't accept you, so what? They don't know you like we do" he says. "If they met you, they would know that you are an amazing, talented beautiful girl. And I wouldn't give you up for anything in the world"

"I love you Landon, I wouldn't leave for anything either" I say. Landon smiles and kisses my head.

"I came to tell you that dinner was ready" he says. I laugh.

"Okay I'll be out in a minute" I say. He smiles at me and makes his way out of my room.

Adopted by Cam&Fam | Camryn Turner & Landon Clifford Where stories live. Discover now