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Halloween Costume Shopping

"Austin, come on it's time to go" Camryn says from the living room. I throw my head back and sigh loudly, Halloween costume shopping is such a waste of time and money. I put my guitar back on its case and grab my phone and earbuds off my nightstand. I string my earbuds behind me and put my hood up so Camryn and Landon dint know I'm listening to music.

"What exactly is the point of this?" I ask, as I come out of my room.

"It's Collettes first Halloween, and I'm guessing yours too" Camryn says.

"Not necessarily my 'first' just the first time I am actually allowed to do things" I say.

"Exactly, aren't you excited?" Camryn asks.

"Not really, I mean, it's kind of a waste of money don't you think?" I ask.

"That's kind of the point of it, have fun and waste a bit of money" Landon says.

"I would just be happy in my room, playing my guitar, and eating candy that we bought, rather than going door to door dressed up as something stupid looking and getting candy that could be poisoned" I say. Landon whispers something to Camryn and she takes Colette out of the room. Landon sits on the couch and gestures for me to join him.

"Austin, I get that you don't like Halloween, but can you please just cooperate, for Camryn? She was really excited for this." Landon says.

"Do you want to know why I don't like Halloween?" I ask. He nods. "Back in the orphanage, on Halloween, the staff member would let teenagers from the local high school dress up and try and come in to scare us, and one year, this one guy had a knife, a real knife, and he sliced my arm and held it to my throat. I guess I've just always been scared that it will happen again" Landon looks shocked when I finish my story.

"That's a lot" he says. "That is never going happen again, because me and Camryn will be there to protect you. You don't have to go trick or treating and what not, but can you please get a costume? Camryn just wants one family picture" Landon says.

"Okay" I say.

"Thank you" he says. We both stand up from the couch and Landon hugs me.

"Ready to go now?" He asks.

"I guess yeah" I say, "but nothing stupid looking as my costume" Landon laughs lightly but agrees.


We arrive at a Halloween store, and I have my earbuds in my ears, pretending to browse through costumes.

A sudden tap on my shoulder makes me jump. Thinking it is Canryn or Landon, I pull an earbud out and turn. But it's not. It's a strange guy that looks about 40.

"Can I help you?" I ask

"Yeah you can come with me" he says.

"Uhhhhh, I have to get back to my parents and sister" I say turning away. The guy grabs me and covers my mouth with his hand to prevent me from screaming. I elbow him in the stomach and his hand slips off my mouth.

"LANDON!!!" I scream.

"Shut up bitch" the guy says. He puts his hand back over my mouth and picks me up. And I see Landon run around the corner.

"LET GO OF HER!" Landon yells. The guy laughs and Landon punches him in the face, causing him to let me go. I run to Camryn who is at the end of the isle and wrap my arms around her. One of the security guards comes over and breaks up the fight and puts the guy in handcuffs. Landon turns back to us and his lip is bleeding.

"Austin..?" Landon says quietly.  I let go of Camryn and hug Landon tightly.

"Thank you Landon, you saved me" I say.

"You're my Daughter" he says, "it's in my job description" Landon kisses the top of my head.

"Can we go home?" I ask.

"Yeah, we will get costumes another day" Camryn says.


At home, Camryn puts Coco in her play pen while Landon goes to clean the blood off his face and hands. and I go into my room. I pick up my guitar and play a song that made me think about what happened earlier.

She's watching the taxi driver, he pulls away
She's been locked up inside her apartment a hundred days
She says, yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late
He got stuck at the laundromat washing his cape"
She's just watching the clouds roll by and they spell her name like Lois Lane
And she smiles, oh the way she smiles

She's talking to angels, counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers, falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms yeah, in his arms yeah
Waiting for Superman

She's out on the corner trying to catch a glimpse
Nothing's making sense
She's been chasing an answer
A sign lost in the abyss, this Metropolis
She says "Yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late"
He got stuck at the Five and Dime saving the day"
She says "If life was a movie, then it wouldn't end like this"
Left without a kiss
Still, she smiles, oh the way she smiles, yeah

She's talking to angels, she's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers, she's falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms yeah, in his arms yeah
She's waiting for Superman

To lift her up and take her anywhere
Show her love and climbing through the air
Save her now, before it's too late tonight
Oh like the speed of light
And she smiles

She's talking to angels, she's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers, she's falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms yeah, oh in his arms yeah
She's waiting for Superman

To lift her up and take her anywhere
Show her love and climbing through the air
Save her now before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman

When I look up, Camryn and Landon are standing at my door clapping.

"That song was for you Landon," I say. "For both of you, you guys are like my superman and superwoman. You saved me, in more ways than one" I say.

Landon and Camryn come over and sit on either side of me and hug me.

"We will always be there to save you" Camryn says.

"I love you guys" I say. They smile.

"We love you too" Landon says.

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