chapter thirty

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Scott went home shortly after she got that video

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Scott went home shortly after she got that video. However, the truth was she wanted him to stay with her, but she knew that he couldn't stay. Even when she wanted it so badly.

Bella tried to get some sleep that night, but her eyes wouldn't shut. They were still haunted by the fact of Jackson's murder. She wondered why this person wanted her to know about his death, it wasn't like she knew Jackson very well. Bella remembered talking to him once, and even that wasn't memorable.


Jessica Davis took the time to get ready for school the next day. She hadn't seen her boyfriend Alex since the dance, and she would like to keep it that way for a while. She was terrified to face to Alex after the whole situation with Justin. She had no idea what to do about it, but she never let her mind wandered to what would happen if Alex found out. It was murder any chances of her being with him or Justin ever again. The fact that Liberty High already labelled her as a slut, she didn't want to give into these fucked up labels, but she couldn't help give in to past romances.

'Hey Jess' Macy said, 'How are you?'

Jessica just said she was fine. She wasn't really friends with Macy, it was more Bella. Jessica and Macy kept on with a civil conversation about school work and the weather, until Jessica remembered that Macy was Jackson's girlfriend. Well, maybe not officially but they did seem to hang around each other a lot. Jessica stared at Macy while she kept on talking.

'I'm sorry about Jackson' Jessica spoke up, which stopped Macy mid-sentence, 'I know you guys were friends'

'More like friends with benefits' Macy laughed weakly, 'But yes thank you. I still don't know who would do something so terrible, it's sick'

'It really is' Jessica said

Macy smiled at Jessica and waved her goodbye, before Bella approached her best friend.

'Hey Bella' Macy greeted, 'It's nice to see you'

'Yeah you too' Bella said as Macy finally made her way to her locker

'Hey' Bella whispered, 'I have some stuff to tell you about this person who is texting me'

'What?' Jessica asked as the two girls walked inside to get more privacy

'Okay well I received this video last night' Bella said as she pulled her phone from her pocket, 'I think whoever killed Jackson sent it to me...'

Jessica stood back in shock as she watched the horrific video.

'What are you going to do?' Jessica asked frantically

'I need to know who is doing this' Bella started, 'I mean they are messaging me for a reason. I need to know who is doing all of this'

'You can't do that' Jessica argued, 'It's so fucking dangerous Bella. This isn't some person who wrote rapist on a locker or slut on some pieces of paper, this is a murderer'

'Yes I know' Bella stated, 'I won't be alone'

'What do you mean?' Jessica asked

'Scott offered to help' Bella said as Jessica rolled her eyes, 'He was over last night when I got the video'

'He was over!?' Jessica cried, 'Bella this is a bad idea and you know that. You shouldn't be solving a murder in the first place, but with Scott? It's a disaster waiting to happen'

'It's not like we are back together' Bella explained, 'We are just trying to find out who did this'

Jessica kept quiet for a second then spoke, 'Okay but promise me you will stay safe and don't do anything this person wants you to do'

'I won't' Bella breathed out, 'Have you spoken to Alex lately?'

Jessica shook her head, 'I can't face him even though he has no idea what happen. Honestly I don't even know what happened'

'Yeah I understand' Bella said

'Do you though?' Jessica cried, 'It's not like you have gone back to Scott and he was your first love. Justin was my first love'

'Wow' Bella said breathlessly, 'You've never said that out loud before'

'Said what?'

'That Justin was your first love' Bella smiled slightly, 'I mean you like Alex right?'

'Of course I do' Jessica stated

'But maybe you love Justin even after all the shit that happened between you too' Bella said, 'I wouldn't be mad if you went back with Justin, even when it is a really fucked up situation'

'Yeah I know' Jess argued, 'I don't know what I want'

'Typical love triangle' Bella laughed

'Tell me about' Jessica said as they calmed down from their boy topics and straight back to murder

'Who do you think did it?' Jessica asked

'Scott thinks Bryce or Monty' Bella explained, 'I think either of them are capable'

'I mean it could be Monty' Jessica said, 'Him running away screams guilty'

'What do you mean?' Bella asked

'Didn't you hear?' Jessica asked, 'Montgomery ran away after the dance. I mean they looks pretty bad for him right now'

'Do you know why he ran away?' Bella asked as Jessica shook her head, 'I think I might have an idea'

'What?' Jessica asked with a worried tone

'I think it was because of Tyler' Bella started as Jessica sat confused

'What about Tyler?' Jessica asked even more worried than before, 'Please tell me it's not because of how Tyler cancelled the season?!'

'No' Bella said simply

Jessica furrowed her eyebrows as a sign that she was waiting for Bella to explain herself. She didn't even know how to say it out loud without feeling sick to her stomach.

'Tyler was raped by Montgomery' Bella said as Jessica grasped, 'With a broomstick in the toilets'

Jessica didn't have anything to say to her friend. She sat back in utter shock and feeling like she was going to vomit.

'Scott told me because he checked up on Tyler' Bella explained as Jessica felt her breakfast go back down

'I can't believe this' Jess spoke softly, 'I never imagined that this town would turn like this. I mean ever since Hannah's death, it's gone into utter madness'

'I know' Bella said, 'People are being murdered and raped... do you see why I want to know who is doing all of this'

'Yeah' Jessica said simply, 'Crestmont is turning into a danger zone'

'Because all this fucked up stuff used to be hidden' Bella begun, 'And now everyone knows about it because victims are coming forward. We shouldn't be scared about it, we need to rise up and catch these assholes' 

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