chapter thirty nine

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7 months later 

Bella stood up in the court room, during Danielle's sentencing. She was beyond nervous to find out what Danielle would have to go. A psych ward or jail. She looked around to see her boyfriend Scott holding her hand tightly. She smiled at him, but he could tell that she was worried. 

'You okay?' he asked as he rubbed her knuckles

'Yeah I'm fine' Bella said 

The court begin to stand as Danielle was taken into court. Bella shivered as she watched her enter. As it is true that it had been 7 months since the incident, but she still felt that blade on her neck. She still looked back at her life before it. Her life before would be the rest of her life if Danielle got her way that night. 

'Please rise' The Judge walked in and turned to the jury

'What is your decision?' The Judge asked a old woman holding the verdict

The verdict was handed to The Judge. She seemed to review their answer with concentration. 

'Okay' The Judge spoke up as she gave the woman back their choice. 

Their choice of Danielle's life was written on that piece of lined paper. 

'We The Jury find Danielle Turner guilty of attempted murder' the women spoke as Bella's heart dropped into her stomach. 

Danielle was forbidden to look back at Bella or Scott. Scott held onto his girlfriend's hand tightly. He decided to led over and kiss her temple. Bella was relieved that Danielle wouldn't be on the streets of Cresmont anymore. 


Bella walked out of the court room with a grateful smile. She received hugs by Jessica, Zach, Tony, Clay and Alex straight away. She smiled at her friends and thanked them for their support over the past year. 

'It's over Bella' Jessica smiled, 'We did it' 

'I know' Bella smiled as she hugged Jessica tightly, 'Hannah would be proud of us' 

Jessica let go of Bella for a second, 'She would' 

Bella smiled as she could feel the tears come into her eyes, 'I miss her' 

'Yeah me too' Jessica hugged her best friend again

Bella and Jessica shared happy tears and moved on to the next chapter of their amazing friendship. 

'Hey' Scott turned Bella around and pulled her closer, 'You did well today. I love you' 

'I love you too' Bella said as she placed a passionate kiss on his lips 

He smiled through the kiss and held his girlfriend tightly. 

I guess they were made for each other after all. 

trust me, i'm lying/ scott reedWhere stories live. Discover now