chapter thirty seven

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Bella woke up with her hair in tangles and Scott's strong arm's around her

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Bella woke up with her hair in tangles and Scott's strong arm's around her. She breathed in with a sharp and quick breath.

'Scott' she whispered, 'We have school' 

He shook his head without opening his eyes. He pulled her closer with a firm grip. Bella laughed at his reaction. 

'Come on Scott' Bella said again, 'We have to get up' 

Scott opened his eyes and turned Bella to face him. She smiled shyly as he kissed her good morning. 

'Morning' he smiled

'Morning' Bella giggled as he started to give her butterfly kisses down her neck 

'I have to get up' Bella giggled once again, 'And so do you' 

'Yeah I know' Scott breathed out as he laid back in Bella's bed, 'Just give me a minute' 

Bella slapped his chest. She laughed as he pulled her on top of him and gave her a firm kiss. It seemed like everytime Scott got to kiss Bella, he would kiss her like she was going to go away again. 


Bella walked into with her head held high for once. She arrived at her locker, whilst noticing Tyler at his. She got a chill down her spine, just looking at him and what he's been through. She wanted to ask if he was okay, but she kept her eyes away from him. She looked into her locker but still trying to keep an eye on him. 

'Hey' Macy said beside Bella 

Bella jumped silently, 'Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you' 

'No it's okay' Bella said as she watched Tyler walk away 

She wanted to follow him, but it would seem weird to Macy. However, Bella remembered that Macy had talked to Tyler the other day. 

'Macy?' Bella asked as she nodded, 'Why were you talking to Tyler the other day?' 

It looked like she was thinking of an answer before saying, 'He was asking about Jackson and seeing if I was okay' 

'I didn't think you guys were friends' Bella said 

Macy shook her head with an subtle eye roll, 'We're not. I just wanted to be nice considering what happened to him'

Bella looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. Did she know about what Monty did to him? 

'You know going to Radley' Macy finished her sentence as Bella breathed in with relief 

She wasn't Tyler's biggest fan, but Bella didn't want what happened to get out. Tyler must feel awful about it and Monty was nowhere to be seen. 

'Yeah I guess' Bella said 

Macy smiled weakly, 'Maybe we could hang out tonight? My parents are out and I've got nothing to do' 

'Sure' Bella said simply 

Macy smiled. She turned around to walk away and Bella assumed to her next class. She wondered why Macy wanted to hang out? Bella didn't mind hanging out with her so it wasn't something weird, it was just a little different. 


Bella got home and took a shower, before making her way to Macy's house. She put on her usual jumper and jeans. She didn't want to put in a lot of effort, considering it was probably going to be her and Macy talking about their feelings and eating pizza. Bella waited to get a text from Macy for her address. However, she did get a text from Scott. 

Scott- Want to hang out tonight?

Bella- I would but I'm going over to Macy's 

Scott- Oh...that's different. Have fun xx 

Bella blushed at the kisses on the end of his message. 

Bella- I will xx talk to you later 

She finally received a message from Macy and realised that she didn't leave that far from Scott. Bella smiled at her mother, who was working away on her latest case. 

'Have fun sweetheart' Bella's mother called out, 'Let me know when you get there' 

'I will' Bella smiled at mother before making her way to Macy's house 

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