chapter thirty one

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Bella walked to her Maths class with her head down, because there was nothing more she wanted but to go home

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Bella walked to her Maths class with her head down, because there was nothing more she wanted but to go home. After talking to Jessica, it really made her feel scared to see anyone from school, especially Monty. She couldn't help but wonder where he had gone after the whole situation with Jackson went down. I mean if Monty did murder Jackson, Bella would understand why he would do a runner.

Before Bella could get into her Maths class, she decided to go to her locker and get out some textbooks. As she was receiving her books, Tony called after her. Bella turned around to see him walking toward her, with a worried look in his eyes.

'Hey' Bella trailed on, 'What's up?'

'I heard about the texts' Tony said simply, 'Jessica told me'

'I told her not to say anything until I know who is texting me' Bella said with a huff

'She is just looking out for you Bella' Tony said, 'And I agree with her. I don't think you should do this. It's dangerous'

'I know' Bella said, 'Everyone is telling me over and over again. But I need to know who is doing this, because it's getting worse in this town. Hannah's gone and now Jackson?! I don't want this to happen again'

'Jackson was murdered because he got into some shady shit' Tony argued, 'You think these texts and Jackson have a connection?'

'Of course they do!' Bella snapped back, 'I think this person knew Jackson and very well'

'Why do you say that?' Tony asked, 'I mean it could be a random person who decided to murder him, I mean he was a drug dealer. Maybe it was a hitman?'

'Then why would this hitman messing with me!?' Bella asked

'I don't know' Tony said, 'That's what is getting me all fucked up'

'Me too Tony' Bella said, 'I mean I know you and Jess are trying to keep me safe, but this isn't happening to you. It's me that this person wants to mess with and I have to find out who did this'


Bella arrived home and couldn't stop thinking about her interaction with Tony. She tried to not think about it but how it escape her mind? She decided to text Scott and ask if he could help her. Bella knew it wasn't the best idea, but he was the only person who could help her right now.

Bella- Hey would you mind coming over?

Scott- Sure. Is everything okay?

Bella- I need your help Scotty

Bella deleted Scotty quickly.

Bella- I need your help with these texts

Scott- Okay I'll be over


Scott arrived shortly after that and straight away, they begun to research Jackson's history.

'Do you know anything about Jackson?' Bella asked as she sat crossed legged on her bed, with her laptop on her lap

'Not much' Scott added as he was in the same position with his laptop, 'I can't find much about him on the internet'

'What about social medias?' Bella asked as she logged into Facebook

She hadn't been on Facebook in a while, as she wasn't the biggest fan of social media.

'It doesn't say much on here' Bella said as Scott decided to sit on the bed, 'Just photos from the years and birthday messages'

'Yeah I can't see much either' Scott chimed in as he decided to look through family members, 'Maybe there would be more with his family'

Bella nodded and agreed to look into other people. She was typing in Jackson's name into Google, when she noticed how intense this was. There she was looking up the social media of a dead man with her ex- boyfriend, it was really insane for her.

When she was in Radley, they taught her breathing exercises and how to think critically. She would have never imagined seeing herself in this position, but Crestmont brought bad ghosts back and she knew Scott Reed would find himself back into her life, no matter the circumstances. Friends or not, he would come back to her and she would go back to him.

'Hey' Scott interrupted her thoughts, 'What is this?'

Bella furrowed her eyebrows, as Scott turned his laptop around to show her. Scott had showed her an article from a couple of years ago. The article said in bold letters 'FAMILY KILLED IN HOUSE FIRE'. She looked closely and saw Jackson's name in the first couple of sentences.

'What does this have to do with Jackson?' Bella asked

'I don't know but I remember this' Scott explained, 'We were in freshman year and a family of 4 was killed. They thought Jackson's uncle did it, apparently he was having affair with this women and he went out to kill her family'

'Jackson's uncle?' Bella asked, 'Why would he want to kill this family?'

'I mean he was having an affair with this women' Scott pointed out the photo of a blonde women with her husband, 'Then her husband found out and it went south'

'How do you know this?' Bella asked

'Jackson told Bryce about it' Scott said simply, 'But yeah the wife and husband died, and their two children. However, I think one of the children survived'

'Do you think that person went out for revenge?' Bella suggested, 'I mean it's a huge motive, if they wanted to make Jackson's family feel like hell'

'Yeah that's a good theory' Scott said, 'But it wouldn't explain why this person would go out of their way to message you?'

Bella's shoulders tightened, 'God I hate this Scott. Who is this person?!'

'I don't know Bella' he said with a worried tone, 'We could look into the article more. Maybe got to the house, it's still up'

'The burnt house?' Bella asked as Scott nodded

'Bryce and Monty would go there sometimes to smoke weed or do their drug deals' Scott said, 'I know where it is'

'Let's go' Bella said as they both rushed out of her room 

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