chapter thirty five

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Bella got into Jessica's car as she was ready to leave Liberty High

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Bella got into Jessica's car as she was ready to leave Liberty High. Bella and Jessica had been avoiding Alex and Zach all day, even though Bella had not done anything to Alex personally. She knew that he would be in the worst emotional pain right now, so she didn't want to remind him of it. She was Jessica's best friend after all, and this person who texted her for weeks had told Alex. 

She didn't personally do anything to Alex, but now she didn't know where she stood in this situation. 

Bella is caught in her own thoughts when Jessica opens the door to her car. She wonders why Jessica hasn't started the car yet. 

'Look over there' Jessica suggested 

Bella looked over to where Jessica was pointing. It was Macy. She was talking to someone with a black hood on, which Bella and Jessica couldn't make out who it was. 

'Who is she talking to?' Jessica asked 

'I don't know' Bella said as she tried to get a better look of mysterious person 

Jessica got out of the car in a quick swift. Bella wanted to tell her to get back in, but she decided to get out too. 

She met up with her best friend who was standing there looking over. 

'I think I know who that is' Jessica said as she moved closer to them 

'Who?' Bella asked 

They both started to move closer and realised that it was a familiar face.

'It's Tyler' Jessica grasped, 'I thought he was in Radley' 

'Maybe he got released?' Bella questioned 

Jessica faced Bella with a worried expression, 'It's weird that the texts have stopped since Tyler has been gone' 

Bella felt her heart race and felt herself getting into a cold sweat. She still hadn't told Jessica about Alex and her. She just didn't know how, but she knew it had to come out eventually. Now was eventually. 

'Jess' Bella begins with fear, 'I have been getting texts and I think this person told Alex that you cheated' 

Jessica stood back in utter shock, 'You're kidding?' 

'No I am not' Bella explained, 'I got a text from them last night' 

'Why would this person tried to ruin me?!' Jessica cried

'Me and Scott went to find out more about this person and they obviously retaliated' 

Jessica started to run her fingers through her curly hair nervously, 'I know you are trying to make us feel safer and I don't blame you, but I told you that it was dangerous' 

'I know I've blocked them now' Bella explained as Jessica exhaled softly 

'I can't believe this' Jessica cried, 'How does this person find out fucking everything about us?!' 

'I have no idea' Bella said, 'I don't write all of this down. They must follow us and we don't notice it' 

'What if it's someone we know?' Jessica wondered, 'I mean it could be one of our friends' 

'Who would do that to us?' Bella asked as Jessica shrugged

'You can't trust anyone' Jessica cried, 'This town is a nightmare' 

Bella decided to get Jessica a hug for comfort. Jessica started to sob on her shoulder, and Bella felt her heart break. She was upset for Jessica, because non of this was suppose to happen.

She suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she knew exactly what it was. It was too perfect for them. 

She reached into her back pocket whilst Jessica stood back wiping her tears away. Bella checked her messages and saw it. She saw them. 

8758-0654- Can't get rid of me that easy Bella. Tell Jess that I'm sorry 

Bella looked around the school car park and saw no one standing around, but them. The sky had started to get dark and they knew it wasn't safe to stay out there. 

'They are here Jess' Bella explained as she showed her the text

'Come on asshole' Jessica started to scream, 'Come out and face us' 

'Jess' Bella said sternly and worried 

'Come on pussy' she cried

'Let's go now' Bella asked her but she wouldn't listen 

'No' Jessica snapped back, 'Just so this asshole can rule our lives and expose us. It's bullshit Bella' 

'I know' Bella said, 'But we have to go because we all know this is a game of cat and mouse. And we are the mice' 

Jessica rolled her eyes, as Bella grabbed the keys off her friend. There was no way Jessica was fit to drive right now, either was Bella really, but she was in a much better state than her best friend. 


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