chapter thirty three

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Bella couldn't believe herself

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Bella couldn't believe herself. She actually kissed Scott. Scott Fucking Reed! She was truly doing this again and she had no idea what to expect this time. She knew that Jessica wouldn't approve of this re connection, but Jess did have sex with Justin, so Bella didn't feel as bad for just kissing Scott. 

She sat in her room that night thinking about all the possibilities of them getting back together. Well one, they already knew more about each other than anyone else. Two, Bella secretly wanted them to get back together, even after all the fights they've had for the past 2 years. She wondered if Scott would stay lie to her or if he is still lying to her. 

Bella texted Jessica about what happened and now she was waiting for her best friend's response. And she knew it would be anything but positive. 

Jessica- Holy shit Bella! 

Bella- I know I don't want to hear why it's bad

Jessica- okay.... Alex is ringing I will message you back. BRB 

Bella placed her phone down and decided to catch up on some homework. As she had not placed her full attention into school lately. She got stuck into her new Maths assignment when she heard her phone vibrate. She looked down to see Scott's name. She felt her heart jump. She knew he was texting about last night, considering they went straight home after and didn't talk about the kiss. 

Scott- Hey, Justin just messaged me about Jess and Alex. Alex knows

Bella felt her heart sunk into the bottom of her stomach. This was actually happening to Jessica right now!? She went into panic mode, as if she was the one caught out for cheating. 

Bella- Who told Alex? 

Scott- I don't know 

Bella huffed and fell back into her sheets. Of course this would happen! Now, two of her best friends were going to hate each other and she would be stuck in the middle. But it was really Jessica's wrong doing, and as much as Bella loved her best friend, it was wrong. She wanted to have Jess' back but it was going to be really hard, considering everyone will be on Alex's. 

Scott- I didn't message you to talk about Alex and Jess. About last night... I wanted to know how you felt... 

Bella felt her cheeks glow red and her body become weak. What was she suppose to say to Scott? She was beyond scared about them kissing and what if he wanted to get back together? She couldn't even remember what it was like to love him. 

Bella- Yeah I don't know what happened. I was really sad last night... I appreciate you helping me through this 

Scott- It's okay Belle. I don't regret it if you wanted to know. 

Bella- Thank you and I don't either, but I don't know if it's the best idea to get back together Scott. 

Little did Bella know was that those exact words hurt Scott's heart. He wanted to prove himself to her, he wanted her to say that she loved him. He wanted it to go back to normal and not have to hang around Harriet anymore. He was still kind of seeing her, which he regretted when he kissed Bella last night. Just like Bella, all of those beautiful moments of love and passion came back into his mind. 

The truth was he only got with Harriet because Bryce forced him to move on from Bella. Obviously, Scott hadn't at the time and he never had. Looking back on those moments made Scott realise that Bryce was an awful friend and he really fucked up. 

Harriet was a nice girl, but she wasn't Bella. Harriet was a good kisser, but his lips had Bella's name written all over them. Him and Harriet had never had sex, well she tried once at a party, but he freaked out and told her to leave. He had never been touched by anyone, but Bella. It was just weird and uncomfortable for him to imagine someone else between his sheets. 

Scott knew that he fucked up when he got with Harriet and when Bella wouldn't return his calls. Of course, there was a reason why but he was so heartbroken that he couldn't bring himself to visit Bella in Radley. It hurt too much to see the love of his life go through something so horrible. But he wasn't there for her when she needed him the most, and he's still living with that guilt everyday. 

Scott- I understand. Maybe we could talk about it later?

Bella- Sorry Scott I'm on the phone to Jess so I can't really talk right now

Scott- No that's fine. Talk to you later. 

Bella sighed as she could hear Jessica's sobs from the other line. 

'How did he even find out?' Jessica cried, 'I fucked up Bella'  

'It's okay Jess' Bella tried to comfort her as best as she could over the phone, 'I'm sure this will pass over. And I have no idea who would've told him? Justin maybe' 

'No I asked Justin and he didn't' Jessica said, 'Plus I don't see Justin doing that' 

'Yeah true' Bella agreed

Jessica broke down into tears to her friend. Just thinking about what she did brought tears and a huge guilt trip through her body. 

'You will get through this' Bella said, 'I'm sure Alex will come around' 

Jessica couldn't even answer, as she was too busy crying her eyes out. Bella felt like she was going to cry too, but held back her tears. 

Bella felt her phone vibrate again against her ear. She wondered if it was Scott again, but it wasn't. 

Who are you?- If you try and find out who I am again. I will tell everyone more secrets about your friends. Say sorry for Jessica for me. 

Bella felt her heart sink. She blinked at the text and couldn't believe this!? This person was trying to actually ruin her life, along with her friends. Bella went to tell Jessica but she couldn't bring herself to say anything just yet. Jessica was absolutely devastated and she didn't want to make it worse. But how could it get worse from this point?

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