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Jungkook stepped into the old boring classroom meeting the same old faces. His eyes scanned the room meeting everyone's eyes except one.

"Who is that? How dare they not pay attention to me?!" Jungkook thought angrily to himself. All he saw was the back of the persons head, a fluff of blonde.

"Jungkook oppa come sit next to me" Lisa the schools most popular girl and jungkook's supposed to be girlfriend says while bashing her eyelashes.

Jungkook snaps out his thoughts and cringes at the annoying voice that keeps begging him, he sighs walking up to the girl and sitting next to her.

"Come here Lisa" Jungkook calls the prey tapping his thighs, a smirk playing on his lips. Lisa comes and sits on his lap, everyone is still watching and some girls are around jungkook admiring him. Some are jealous of Lisa, but they also know that jungkook doesn't care for her nor the other way around since they have rumored that they both cheat on each other with practically the whole school. So they still keep their hopes up, even if they are just one night stands they will be lucky jungkook even knew they existed.

Then a student walks in "Guys the teacher isn't coming today, so it's a free period." The class fills with joy and starts making conversation with their friends.

"I wonder why the teacher isn't here.." One of the girls next to jungkook asks.

"Maybe she got hit by a car" One remarks

"Or her husband finally left the piece of shit" another says

"She probably choked on a dick" and another unwanted comment heard from the seas of voices.

Students starting to talk dirt about the teacher and some laugher takes over the classroom, but jungkook wasn't in the mood to hear the high pitched voices in the morning talking shit again.

"Shut the fuck up." Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. The room became dead silent. The girl who spoke shut her mouth tightly not a peep coming out of her for the next week. students looked at her with sympathy, because who every annoyed one of the Bangtan Boys, specially the leader, they will be the target of the school. Nobody EVER dared to talk back to them, once someone did they haven't been to school for a week, people eventually found out that the student had transferred.

As the class was just sitting there, they heard soft snores coming from somewhere.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow when he found out that someone was sleeping in the class.

"Who's fucking sleeping?" He said angrily, a brown hair boy pointed at the seat next to him.

It was that blonde he had seen when he first walked in. Jungkook was amused so he pushed Lisa off of him, which caused her to fall down of the floor. He just walk past her not even asking if she was okay and went to the desk that the person was napping on.

"Ow! what the fuck kook," Jungkook just ignored Lisa, and finally saw the face of the blonde.

Jungkook was taking back as he looked at the boy sitting in front of him, he never knew angels actually existed until now as he sees one before him.

He was the definition of perfection, and jungkook swears he just wanted to pick him up and take him home.

Ring Ring~

The bell rings and everyone is out the door, the only people left inside the classroom was jungkook and the beautiful boy. A piece of his fluff hair was covering his face, jungkook reached his hand and moved the hair away. His breath was caught in his throat, the male groans as a pout was left on his pretty kissable pink lips.

Jungkook wondered why he never saw the boy before in the school, and was surely going to ask one of his friends about him.

Second period was about to begin and jungkook surprisingly doesn't want the beauty to be late, so he taps his shoulders hoping for him to wake up. But part of him doesn't want him to wake up by the tap instead he can take the opportunity to kiss the sleeping beauty.

That dream quickly crushes as he sees the boy's eyes start to open.


"What- " The boy lifts his head, his eyes widening when he sees the schools most wanted sitting in front of him, smiling.

"W-what are you doing?!" Taehyung yelled as he jumps up, realization hitting him when he saw that there was nobody but them in the room.

And yes the blonde beauty was Kim Taehyung.

"Well cutie, you were sleeping and second period is about to start so i was trying to wake you up," Jungkook says with a smile, which was very rare and to say that creeped taehyung out was an understatement.

"I-im up and- WAIT WHAT SECOND PERIOD, NO NO I CANT BE LATE TO THAT TOO- " Taehyung quickly packs all his belongings, and heads to the door but is stopped by a big wall- or jungkook.

"Excuse me can you move?" Tae asks the male with a raised eyebrow, he was not going to be late because of this idiot standing before him.

(A/N Although if it wasn't for the idiot you would be still sleeping.)

(Tae) Shut up author or whatever you are that talks into my head.. I should probably see a therapist or something..)

Anyways, jungkook does not move but just stands there staring at the boy.

"Hello, Are you even on earth right now?" Tae rolls his eyes watching the boy still staring.

Jungkook finally snaps and speaks, "Hm well cutie tell me your name and I'll let you go" he winks.

Taehyung couldn't believe that the bad boy of the school, the person people would fight for was winking at him?!

But he wasn't like everyone else, he couldn't care less about the male blocking his way, so he just rolled his eyes, again and folded his arms instead.

"Uh how about- no, now move you big poop!" Tae frustratedly says as his best way of trying to insult the other.

Jin never lets tae swear so this was his own way of doing it without getting a time out even though he's nearly 19.

For a almost 19 year old he was pretty innocent, that's why his parents and close friends always watch what they say around him, they want him to be pure. But that doesn't stop taehyung to catch some things from other people outside the boundary.

"What did you just call me?" jungkook said amused by the word choice the older used.

"Just please move," Tae had it and just pushed jungkook aside so he can pass, but that failed because jungkook was stronger than him and for him being younger than tae he was slightly taller as well in this situation.

"Fine I'll let you go this time, but trust me cutie we'll meet again" Jungkook finally gives in after seeing tae trying too hard to push him with a cute pout, jungkook tried so hard not to kiss the boy right there and then.

"Restrain yourself from calling me cutie and yeah, whatever mate." Jungkook steps aside and tae doesn't wait long to make a run for it. He was out the door heading for his next class, which he was probably going to be late for.

Jungkook smirks as he checks the blonde's butt, he finds himself licking his lips and wanting to play more with the other, but then jungkook realized that he didn't even know the boy's name. He mentally facepalms himself, well he can easily find out later.

Jungkook was already hungry for his next prey.


Before someone attacks me, and I know that your probably gonna say, "Why is lisa always the bad person??"

I don't know the reason for other authors but for me,

it was because I couldn't think of anyone else,

Sorry lmao :')


Thanks for reading, see you next chapter! <33

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