Chapter One

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The castle was still. The gate was locked and the passageways were closed. Ivy knew all of this and yet her mind demanded an escape.

Much to her parent's dismay, Ivy had been interested in strategy from a young age and had grown accustomed to finding her way out.

Ivy reached out a hand and tried to wrench open the window in front of her but it didn't move an inch. She sighed and gripped the windowsill to try and stop her hands shaking.

She wasn't angry because she had been locked in her room. No, she had gotten used to almost seventeen years of that. She was angry that after all those years, her parents still refused to realise her full potential.

The arguement over dinner had proved that.

Ivy closed her eyes as the events of that evening seemed to play before her eyes.

Being ordered down to to the banquet hall was strange enough but to see her parents staring at her was incredibly unusual.

They sat and ate in silence, no one saying a word. Mistrust and apprehension filled the air. It was only when a servant had presented the last course that the king spoke.

"Ivy, we have come to the decision that you are to be married. There are several powerful men we have in mind, all of which will be great assets to Viridiana."

Ivy sat in silence as her parents discussed her future. Every word felt like a dagger to her heart.

Oblivious to her discomfort, the plans continued.

"Since we are close to them, an alliance with Drowngen would be beneficial. Better yet, good relations overseas could play to our advantage."

Queen Marie twittered on, descriptions of wealthy princes, dukes and kings came pouring out of her mouth. Her usually vacant eyes seemed to be alight with excitement.

Ivy watched as her father placed a large hand on his wife's wrist, silencing her with a frown.

"What we are asking- saying is that you must initiate a marriage."

Ivy glared into the cold grey eyes belonging to King Ivar.

She chose her words carefully. "I do not believe selling myself away will strengthen our power. It shall only make us slaves to another country."

Silence set in.

"How dare you talk to me like that! Respect is earned not given, or didn't you know?"

The disgust in her father's eyes was tangible. It burned and mocked, creating a fiery sense of anger to rush through Ivy's body. She tried to breathe, hoping she could calm herself down but it was no use.

"Its not like you respect me anyway!" Ivy yelled, slamming her fists on the table and standing up. "My whole life you've hated me, so why do you suddenly care now?"

Hear heart was hammering and her hands were shaking. Deadly rage filled her senses, blocking everything out.

"That tone isn't very well-mannered young lady, perhaps you should lower it."

Ivy turned to look at her mother. Queen Marie was sat rigidly in her chair, her magenta eyes focused on the wall. It seemed that she couldn't even bring herself to look at her own daughter.

"Then perhaps you should've taught me how to behave."

Without a backward glance, Ivy stormed away, slamming the door to the dining room in her rage.

Ivy opened her eyes to find her face pressed against the pane of her window. It was almost as if the world beyond the glass was was taunting her. Mocking her current inability to escape.

The jagged dark grey mountains loomed ominously beneath the window. A fall from that height could only result in death.

Further on, there was a lake. King Ivar had sternly told tales of men who had been swallowed up by the creatures that lurked in its depths or had been whisked away by currents stronger than any man could ever bear.

Ivy squinted at the lake. It didn't look dangerous at all. In fact, she could only tell it was moving by watching a few leaves drifting across the glassy surface.

Further on still was a forest. A tribe of fairies lived there. The Lacewing Tribe. Ivy had never gone into the forest. Nor had she been to the lake. The furthest she'd ever gone was to the gates that surrounded the castle to welcome her father back from a battle.

Ivy released the windowsill and turned away from the view as a feeling of determination washed through her.

She almost ran in her haste to the door and peered at the keyhole. It was blocked by something. A grin worked it's way onto her face as she slipped some paper under the door and prodded the keyhole with one of the jewelled pins from her hair.

Something clattered onto the paper and Ivy pulled it under the door. An old key sat on top of it.

Cautiously she slotted the key into the lock and twisted, hearing a satisfying click as the lock opened.

Ivy took one last look around her room and her eyes settled on a painting that hung opposite her bed. It was a portrait of Ivy's ancestor, Queen Kiara.

Queen Kiara was looked down upon by Ivy's family as she refused to marry so she could inherit the throne. She was then threatened with death until she eventually married. But she had no children and outlived her husband which left her as the first Queen of Viridiana.

Ivy looked up to Kiara. She admired her strength and her power.

Though Ivy was a princess, a picture of serenity and grace, something deep within her was stirring. Something that was determined to prove itself. It had been beaten down and suppressed over the years but it was still there.

And Ivy was going to show her parents that she wasn't one of them.

A/N: Hey everyone! First of all, let me just say, I'm so sorry this took so long. I was planning to publish this last year... and it's now February...

If this story is new to you or you're here for the rewrite, thanks for getting this far, every little piece of support really means a lot.

Thank you for reading and I wish you a lovely day :)

- Love from Poppy x

Ivy and Elise *REWRITING* *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now