Chapter Eight

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Elise wasn't expecting to see Serena and Sana on her doorstep but their ethereal, somewhat commanding presence took her by surprise as she wordlessly lead them through her home.

Serena and Sana were identical to the last strand of silvery white hair. The only identifying feature was the tattoos etched across their chests. Two constellations that only varied in seemingly small amounts. Elise didn't recognise the constellations and so the harsh black lines served little to no meaning.

As far as Elise knew, they came from a long line of outliers and even had some human ancestors. However no one seemed to care about their family or their appearance. Their reputation as the best astrologers for miles around kept them safe from snide remarks and unwelcome stares.

Elise watched curiously as they stood side by side in front of her parents, looking as out of place as Elise sometimes felt. "We have seen things in the stars," Serena began.

"We shared visions too," Chimed in Sana.

Their voices were strange. Clear, light and melodic. Almost as if they weren't fairies, like they were an entirely different species of
all-seeing beings.

"Back when Viridiana was young, there were dark forces all around," Began Serena.

Sana cut in next. "There was bloodshed and battles but there was this one... creature that seemed to kill everything it touched. It was called the Kayrix."

Elise gulped. If the weight of the name hovering in the air seemed threatening enough, what was this creature like in real life?

"The Kayrix grew and it's power increased. Terror rained and it felt like the world would end. Then, one fairy decided to change everything. We call her The Dignitary for we do not know her name."

The twins eyes seemed unfocused as they relayed this ancient tale.

"The stories we hear today are false. The Dignitary never returned from the battle with the Kayrix. The only shred of truth is the spell she used to seal the Kayrix underground."

Serena closed her eyes as she finished the story. It was almost as if she could see it happening beneath her eyelids. "The spell came at a price. The Dignitary led the Kayrix into a cave system to lock it away. What she didn't realise was that there was a whole world of people living there. The fate of the cave people, The Dignitary and the Kayrix are uncertain. We believe that the Kayrix is trying to rise again. It seems as though it's up to this generation to save us now."


Elise had stayed awake for what felt like the whole night with Ivy trying to puzzle out the story. The sun had set and risen again when Elise's parents had dropped in. They too looked like they were trying to make sense of everything too. Sadness seemed to hang in the air as Elise watched her mother bite her lip, looking for the right thing to say.

"Elise, we've been thinking about what the Liadon twins said and even what you've experienced. We know that we can't stop you from doing anything but we need you to be careful."

Her father nodded and then spoke too.

"To ignore the visions that you have had is to ignore your destiny. We can't hold you from that. If you do decide to do this, your mother and I have decided to give you this."

He picked up the cloth-bound object that was resting in his wife's arms. As he unwrapped the item, a hush seemed to fall. There was a metallic zing as an intricately carved sword was lifted out of its sheath.

"Its been in my family for years." Her mother said. "I'm surprised your aunt never tied to take it."

Elise suddenly found herself tearing up as her father pressed the sword into her hands. "I don't know how to use this." She whispered.

A quiet voice spoke out behind her. "I could teach you." Elise turned to see Ivy looking nervous. "I taught myself a few years ago. One of the perks of being invisible, you can try anything and no one will know."

Elise nodded and turned back to her parents.

"Thank you." She said, wiping away tears. "I won't let you down."

A/n: Hi everyone! So we're getting into the thick of things and I just want to say thank you for sticking around. I hope you have a lovely day and I'll see you next week for Chapter Nine :)

- Love from Poppy x

Ivy and Elise *REWRITING* *SLOW UPDATES*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora