Chapter Eleven

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By the time the pair had reached the Warchesters, Elise's condition had worsened. Her brown skin had paled and her green eyes were dull. She needed a healer immediately. A cottage emerged from the horizon, cutting an angular silhouette against the trees. This had to be it. Ivy dismounted and caught Elise. They stumbled towards a blue painted door. Ivy grabbed the silver knocker and rapped on the door desperately.

Rain began to fall as thunder growled overhead. Fat droplets of water splashed down, hitting the ground and crashing into the river that rushed past.

Suddenly a blonde woman appeared at the door. Quickly she assessed the occupants of her doorstep before ushering them inside.

"Rowan!" The woman shouted. "Clear the table, a friend needs help!"


Ivy had forgotten how long she had been sat on a bed in the attic. Her body was numb and she felt tired but she couldn't sleep. Rowan Warchester, a girl who seemed to be a little younger than Ivy was, had escorted her up some stairs and then climbed a ladder into an attic. She explained that it was a spare bedroom used for anyone who found the cottage and needed help. Then Rowan left and Ivy was alone. As Ivy leant on her hunched up legs, something soft brushed her face. She sat up and reached out a hand to feel that her hair was beginning to fall out of its braids. She tried to save it but her fingers were clumsy and the red stands spilled away from her grasp.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Rowan appeared, a tiny ball of fire held out in her hand. She motioned for Ivy to follow, the orange flames softly illuminating her features. As Ivy followed Rowan down the stairs and through the cottage she noticed the ball of fire was free from Rowan's hands and was floating alongside her, turning her short blonde curls a warm orange. Finally they stopped outside a small rounded room.

Under any other circumstances, Ivy would've paused to ask about the logistics of having a tree growing straight through a room. Maybe she would've taken time to inspect all the different jars and bottles that lined the shelves. However in that moment, the only thing she was interested in was-


Ivy practically ran across the room to sweep her friend into a hug but stopped herself. She sat next Elise and held her there, making sure she wasn't hurting her.

"I was so worried." Ivy whispered, tears of relief beginning to fall from her eyes. She loosened her grip so she could look at Elise's face. Her skin had returned to it's normal brown colour and her eyes had brightened.

"You know," Elise said. "Sayidah said that if we hadn't of gotten here when we did, I probably wouldn't be here right now."

Seemingly at the mention of her name, Sayidah herself walked in, her hair was pulled back into a bun, highlighting the slight wrinkles on her face.

"Sayidah also said you should get some rest." She announced with a smile. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need. But Elise needs to rest, she's lost a lot of blood, it will have an impact soon."


The bedroom was only big enough for one bed but Ivy didn't mind sharing. Elise was curled into her side and provided a steady warmth that protected them from the cold night. Ivy listened to the sound of Elise breathing and tried to match it. Everything was warm, Elise was healed, they were safe. Just as Ivy was about to slip into sleep, she heard someone say her name.

"Hey Ivy?" Elise whispered.

She turned her head to see Elise was looking up at her, a shaft of bluish moonlight spilled across her face.

"I have to thank you again. You really did save my life." Elise continued. "I really don't want to know what would've happened if we hadn't made it in time."

Ivy shifted onto her side to reach over and tuck a stray lock of hair behind Elise's ear. "I don't want to know either." She replied.

Elise looked down at Ivy's hand that was rested on her cheek. She reached up and held Ivy's hand, stroking it slightly with her thumb. "That's twice you've saved me now, we're going to have to stay together incase you need to save me again."

Ivy smiled. "I'd like that."

"I'd like that too." Elise replied, returing Ivy's smile.

"I guess its settled then, we'll be together forever."

A/N: I'm so sorry I keep missing updates. Especially as Chapter Ten was a cliffhanger. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next week. Have a lovely day :)

- Love From Poppy x

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