Part 7

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It's been a few days since my parents got into the accident. My sister and friend Kara is here and of course Demi. I still don't know where we stand with each other I mean yeah we both liked each other or at least I hoped she liked me. Nothing was official. " Hey Ash I'm going to go to the store with Kara need anything" I heard my sister yell from downstairs. "No I'm ok" I yell back so she can hear me. I guess Demi is in the shower I haves to seen her oh well I'll see her later. As I was walking out of the room going to eat I smell something so wonderful. As I walk downstairs I can see what looks like pancakes and bacon my favorite. "Hey sexy, how did you sleep" Demi stated. " Good morning I slept ok I guess". "Why just ok". " I guess I wasn't that tired". "Oh and I heard you get out of bed last night, where you ok?" " yeah I'm fine" I lied but I wasn't ready to tell her that I was doing drugs. Yeah I know I shouldn't but my fuckin parents died so leave me alone. She brought the food to the table and of course it was chocolate chip. " looks good dems". "Thanks Ash, so what do you want to do today?" "Mmmm we could watch a movie and cuddle". "Sounds perfect baby". As we finish up I wash the dishes as she picks out a movie and gets the blankets and everything set up. "Ok ready" I hear her yell so that I could hear her. "Ok coming". When I walk in there of course what did I expect. Finding Nemo was on of course. I just giggle to myself and sit down so I'm in between her legs but turned sideways so that I can see the T.V. Halfway through I start getting an urge I couldn't control it I started tapping my foot but it didn't help. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" I state. "Ok be back soon, because I have to go to". I walk well speed walk upstairs into the bathroom but not before grabbing a little bag. I place it on the counter. Why am I doing this I know Demi's past I know I shouldn't but I don't know what to do. Someone barging in made me jump and scared me shitless. The look on her face is something I will never forget.....

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