Part 24

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Demi's POV

I'm currently at the studio,I've been here for a while now almost all day. Me and Ashley got into a fight. She was mad that I went and had lunch with Wilmer,I get that she doesn't like it that me and him hangout every once and a while, but he's a really good friending mine now. Nothing is going to happen between the two of us, but I get it I really do it's just I think she needs to have more faith in me I mean we are dating after all and I would never cheat on her.

It's been a few hours so I decided to head home since it's now 9:00pm and I've been here since 7:00am.

I get in my car and drive home I just told Ashley to move into my house since she didn't want to be in her old house due to the fact it reminded her a lot of her mom and dad. It's about in hour drive from the studio to my house.

Once I pull into the driveway I just stay in the car for a second and take a deep breath and hope that she still isn't mad or upset because I seriously didn't want to sleep in the spare room again. I grab my stuff and head to the door once I open it I see her sitting on the couch drinking what looks like to be tea and blankly staring at the tv.

"Oh good your home,how was work?" She questioned still not looking at me. "It was ok,I'm really tired though so I'm going to take a shower and head to bed if you don't mind" I say,I didn't mean to sound harsh I just didn't know if she was still mad at me or not. "Really,fine you know what whatever,I don't even care anymore" she said getting up and heading into the kitchen.

"What am I supposed to say Ashley,I already told u everything but you don't believe me I didn't want to argue with you so I was just a going to go to bed but since you want to talk let's talk" I am pissed at this point. "No Demi just no. You can't expect me not to be mad when you went behind my back, and had lunch with him. You can't expect me to be ok, you can't expect me to act like everything is ok when it's not" "for fuck sakes I've told you already a thousand times if I wanted him I would be with him, but at I with him, no I am with you because I want you,I want to be with you, not him when will you understand that?you have to trust me if not this relationship won't work. We have to trust each other."

"Demi I do trust you, but we also have to communicate you have to tell me. I don't want to know who your hanging out with but if it's someone that you used to date for 6 fucking years I deserve a right to know." "I know you do and I'm sorry, but damn Ashley you have to trust me on this one." As soon as I said that my phone went off and it was on the counter facing up.

From Jax😝- I had fun hanging out with you beautiful,see you soon call when you get a chance. Luv ya cutie 😘

I knew exactly what was about to happen. "Who the fuck is Jax and why the fuck is he texting you calling you beautiful and cutie and saying he loves you???????"
"OK CALM THE FUCK DOWN" "your telling me to calm down when I don't know who this guy is who thinks he can say that to my girl?" "Listen yelling won't get us anywhere just listen to me" "Ok go on Demi I'm serious."

"Ok first off we just got down saying how you would trust me more. Second off Jax came into the studio with me today because I was really sad and he helped me and we went and got lunch. Third off he is gay and lastly he has a boyfriend." " Oh Demi, I'm sorry I didn't know" I cut her off "she that's the thing ask if you don't know, I am going to take a shower then I am going to sleep in the spare room again,we will talk more tomorrow I am just so tired right now mentally and physically." " Ok. Goodnight love you" "love you too" with that I went upstairs I showered then went to bed I couldn't fall asleep what so ever and I started to cry, a few hours later I fell asleep after looking at the time on the clock which read 3:30am.

(Let me know if you enjoyed it so far. Let me know what you want to see. Stay strong❤️)

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