Part 28

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(Demi's POV)

4 years later.

I can't believe how far we've come. We are married with twins one boy and one girl Olivia and Oliver. We have been married for 2 years and the twins are turning 2 in a few weeks. I still can't believe that we started out as best friends for lots of years to end up married with kids.

I love Ashley with all my heart and I can't believe that she's my wife.

(Ashley's POV)

I'm currently in the car coming back from the store just thinking about my life. I was best friends with Demi and we ended being married with 2 beautiful kids. I was so shocked and surprised when she proposed to me, It was wonderful.

She asked me on stage and when I got on stage she did this whole long speech about how much she loves me and as she was talking a slideshow was going on behind her of pictures and videos of us then she sung yes, and tell me you love me and after she sung the final verse she got down on on knee and asked me to marry her. Not to mention once we went back to the hotel. When we got married it was everything I ever wanted and more. Then I got pregnant with twins so she could still work and stuff and now we have 2 amazing kids and we are happily married.

I pull into the driveway and just sit in the car and watch them from the window like in those movies.
Call me cheesy, but I call it love.
I'm still amazed that we were even dating let alone married.
I go inside and kiss my gorgeous wife and kids. "Baby I am so thankful for you, you have no idea how lucky I am that I get to call you mine and go to sleep with you every night I'm so grateful for you." I said with a smile on my face the whole time. "I am glad we are married and we have kids I wouldn't want anyone else to have this life with other than you".

(Ugh I know it's short but I didn't know what else to write. Thank you again for reading and for your support. I should have a new book up soon in a couple days if not today so look out for that. Stay strong❤️)

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