Chapter one

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It's night time and im tired lol. hope you enjoy <3


I woke up to the smell of weed tickling down my nose. I pushed my covers off my hot sweaty body on to the floor. why is it so dam hot? i started getting undressed and wrapped a towel round myself and dragged my heavy body to the bathroom to take my shower...

i had a nice cool shower and felt a presents in the room with me. i didnt really want to look behind me but i did. i saw my brother in his boxers looking high af.

he walked towards me bitting his lip. "Move from me you tramp" i roared. "who you calling TRAMP!" he moved towars me and started to touch me. i lifted his chin up and he came in for a kiss. he looked at me and i lent in but when he closed his red eyes i punched him in the nose to give him a nose bleed and ran to my room.

dam this family is so messed! 

i heard his footsteps marching to my room."LET ME IN" i bursted out laughing. "in your dreams dick"

i Rummaged through my wardrobe and pick out some black ripped shorts with a plane white vest top. I put my black and white huaraches on. and got a black cardigan and put it round my waist. The side of my hair was cornrowed so i left my hair down and put a bit of water on it t keep it wavey. i put a little bit of mascara on and brushed my teeth. after that i took my keys and left my house. i looked on my phone to text my girls to come and meet me.

(10 min later)

i met up with my clique.



And kimberly(Kim)

we cause so much trouble and there is more to the our gang,but we dont trust the others because when we do something together its us getting the blame never them.

Tommorow we are gonna run away to america. because this country is shit as hell.


"you ready girls" i looked at all of them "yeah were ready.

My mum was out Prostituting and dad, well i dont know about him. 

 They all ready packed and brought there stuff to my house.

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