Chapter 9

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Destinys P.O.V

i woke up and it was morning. my heart wouldnt stop beating fast. i was thinking of taken a day of school but i didnt want to. i had a cold shower and put a big baggy top on and some leggins. with air forces and my hair was freezy so i left it down. i didnt really bother today. my head was a mess and so was my face. i had cuts and bruises ,on my face and  on my hands. thinking that my parents died just killed me but i had to get on with it. they didnt love me as much as my brother but i love them. talking about my brother i wonder where he is. i took my phone and keys and walked to school. 

i was the first one in class. i had science first and the people who sat on my table was jody,chris and .. shit not chresantro. i put my head on the table, i was so tired. 5 min later. 

someone tapped my arm and it was chirs. "yeah" i said with a crooked voice. "why did you come into school, your not well babe" i looked into her eye. "i need to learn" i saw her looking beside me and i turned around to see chresanto so into his work. she stood up. "look what you done you fuckin dick" chresanto turned to her. "what you on about?" he asked. she pointed at me. "thats what you done. YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER LIFE, SO WHY BEAT HER. DID YOU KNOW HER PARENTS KILLED THEM SELFS YESTERDAY, KNOW YOU DIDNT BUT SHE STILL CAME IN SCHOOL TO PUT UP WITH EVERYONES SHIT!"

i looked at her, and started to cry and ran out of the class room.

chris P.O.V

i lashed out at chresanto, after i said tht about destinys parenst his faced dropped and everyone turned quite, destiny ran out crying. i walked out and heard chresanto behind me.

when i left the room chresanto took my arm. "what do you mean her parents killed them self" i looked at him deep in the eye. "look on the news! and by the way, never beat her again" i went back into the class room. leaving chresanto behind.

chresanto P.O.V

i didnt mean to hurt destiny like this. i went round looking for her. i feel dam bad for her. i went into the  girls tolite and heard crying. i looked over and saw destiny. i knocked on the door. "who is it" i heard her sniff. "its me , chresanto" i heard her go slient then she broke it "what the hell, why you in the girls tolite, you come to beat me"? i put my back agianst the door. "please let me in" slowly she opened the door..

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