-Chapter 5-A Second Operation Plan.

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All the girls retreated too Rose's house giggling, but struggling not too howl with laughter. Alya and Mylène, with Nino's boxers in hand struggled too race after the girls while balancing the boxers in their arms. Finally they had reached Rose's house. As soon as they entered they all went back too their spots on the floor.
"Rose is next!" Mylène giggled.
"Oh yay! This'll be so fun!" Rose exclaimed.
Rose gracefully picked a paper from her pile and read aloud.
"I dare you too go outside and scream who you have a crush on" Rose's face turned cold and pale, her cheeks started blazing hot pink.
"Can I use a chicken out?" Rose asked desperately.
"Okay, but you only have two left..." Juleka mumbled.
"Thank you Juleka" Rose smiled.
The girls all stoped for a bit, an awkward silence between them.
"So I guess I'm next?" Juleka's quiet voice finally broke the silence.
"I guess you are Juleka!" Alya exclaimed.
"Okay" Juleka mumbled.
"Ugh Whatever" Chloé groaned.
Juleka ignored her and reached towards her pile, but the second she picked up a dare, something buzzed.
All the girls shot their heads towards Alya's bag. Alya crawled towards her bag and pulled out her phone.
She saw a text notification.
"Nino texted me," Alya giggled.
"What about my dare?" Juleka asked.
"Sure, read your Dare first," Alya smiled.
Everyone had too lean in closer too get a peep of what Juleka as reading.
"For the next hour, do what ever a selected person tells you too, pick who you want." Juleka quietly read insecurely.
"I'll spin my water bottle too figure out who..." Juleka mumbled as she snatched her water bottle.
She spun the water bottle swiftly and neatly. All the girls watched in anticipation as the bottle did a repetitive spin over and over. The bottle began too slow....
Even slower.....
Almost done....
It stopped.
"Alya!" Rose exclaimed.
"Alright Alya, what do I do first?" Juleka asked with anticipation.
"Well, could you help me with this?" Alya showed Juleka Nino's text,
тежт fгом N¡№💖💖:
"Hey Als, I need help getting "bluenette" and "cinnamon roll" somewhere private.
Can you help? Thanks! Nino💖"
Тежт то N¡№💖💖:
"Kk, will do, my girls are gonna help too. Alya💖"

"Of course I'd love too help" Juleka mumbled, but smirked.
Alya showed everyone except Marinette. They all smirked, Even Chloé!
"So are you all in?" Alya excitedly asked.
"Yes!" Juleka and Chloé were the first too speak up.
The girls turned Chloé, smirking and hitting her with a confused look at the same time.
"I mean- uh no! That's not my OTP! He is mine after all- uh..I'll only help because I've got nothing better too do then hang with you losers!" Chloé obviously was trying too cover up something.
"Okay then..." Mylène sighed.
"Yeah we're all in!" Sabrina clapped excitedly.
"Okay, I'll text Nino!" Alya happily squealed.
"Am I missing something here?!" Marinette exclaimed with a raised eyebrow.
The girls ignored her as they gathered around Alya texting a Nino.
Тежт то N¡№💖💖
"Kay, we're all set. What's the plan?💖"
The girls huddled in closer, anxious for his response.
"FINALLY HE ANSWERS!" Chloé screams in anger,
The girls all give her concerned looks.
Тежт fгом N¡№💖💖
"K babe, the plan is that we convince Adrien too help prank you guys, then we ditch him ASAP. Once he is in and ditched that is where you guys come in. You all need too hide before we come and have locked up Marinette somewhere (preferably a walk in closet). You all need too grab at Adrien and lock him up in the closet, remember too also put a camera in there somewhere where we can see everything."

The girls giggled at the idea, this would be fun.
"Okay girls huddle in, Marinette stay there, trust me, you'll thank us later" Alya smirked.
"Okay..I'll just go too the bathroom..." Marinette spoke slowly.
Marinette walked too the bathroom and locked the door. Alya ushered the girls in closer into the huddle eager too plan their part.
"Okay girls" she whispered.
"So first before this starts, Sabrina, can you set up a live camera and broadcast it too all our phones except Marinette? Same with the guys except Adrien." Alya whispered eagerly.
Sabrina thought slowly...could she do that? Well she could always make a group chat and live chat everyone...
"Yeah I can do something like that, just text Nino saying he has too tell the boys too except a video chat request." Sabrina whispered slyly.
"Okay will do," Alya whispered back.
Sabrina quietly creeped too Rose's closet... definitely a walk in closet. She created a group chat on google hangouts. Good enough she thought. She added Alya, Chloé, Juleka, Rose, Alix, Mylène, Ivan, Kim, Nino and Max. Group chat created.
Message from Sabrina
"Hey guys! This is the chat I'm gonna video chat so we can see what's gonna happen in Rose's closet! Be sure too accept the video chat request!"
Message from Alya
"And here I thought I'd never be in a group chat with Chloé"
Message from Sabrina
"Oh and be sure too mute yourselves so they don't here us, k thanks!💖"
Message from Max
"Okay! Thanks Sabrina!"
Message from Sabrina
Message from Nino
"Dudes, your filling up my phone just get too the video chat already"
Message from Sabrina
"Sure thing!"
Video Call from "Operation Adrinette" group chat, accept?
Yes. No.

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