-Chapter 7-Closet Time

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The girls pranced gracefully downstairs with great care of not being heard or seen. When they had finally reached their hiding spots, Alix gave a signal of "notify the boys we are ready to attack". Juleka nodded and gave a thumbs up on her phone screen.

Then all hell broke loose.
All the boys and girls jumped at Adrien. Some screeching some bursting with laughter.
Thank goodness my parents aren't home, Rose thought to herself.
Adrien stood stunned as Alix and Juleka took his legs out from under him and held himself by the legs behind their shoulders. Although this legs were in uneven spots because of the height difference. So now there he was dangling as he watched helplessly as Ivan and Nino came up to him. Nino covered his eyes and Ivan, his mouth. Even though it wasn't necessary because he was too stunned to scream. Alya recorded the whole thing.
"I'll need this to laugh at later" Alya chuckled while recording.
Chloé half heartedly lifted his back with Sabrina so it didn't drag on the ground. Chloé was happy she got to touch her Adrikins.. but gave a groan when she realized what the physical contact was for. Actually... she thought. They would look pretty cute together... and I mean...this is just a high school crush... it's not the end of the world. She thought then smiled to herself. Juleka stumbled a bit up the stairs when seeing sweet Rose guiding everyone up.
Finally they were up.
"You all ready?" Nino asked.
Everyone nodded, one millisecond later everyone had just gotten into position.
Ivan, Kim and Alix, being the strongest, pushes Adrien towards the closet. Alya got a better spot to record. Rose swung the door open while Chloé and Sabrina kept squirming Marinette from escaping. Juleka helped give one final heave to Adrien into the closet just as Chloé and Sabrina ran out and helped Nino and Rose push the door close against Marinette and Adrien's strength pushing against the door to escape. Finally they got the door shut, locked.
Everyone plopped on the ground exhausted while they took a second to realize what happened.
"The camera!" Sabrina exclaimed.
Everyone darted to their phones and Sabrina joined Chloé watching her phone.
Alya turned on her screen recorder.
"Well this is a awkward encounter..." Adrien chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Everyone watching could clearly see that although it was a walk in closet.. it wasn't meant for two people.
"Y-yeah.." Marinette shuddered, face Santa red while struggling not to explode from being pressed against Adrien's chest from the clothes.
"Okay Rose as much as we love how close they are, what's with all the clothes?" Alix asked giggling.
"Oh! I love dressing up, and to be honest I haven't seen a single unicorn costume I couldn't resist!" Rose smiled gleefully.
Everyone except Juleka stared at her with disbelief.
"AH!" They heard a shout from their phones and in the closet along with a couple of thumps.
They all slowly looked down at their phones, only to see a flustered Marinette and an apologetic Adrien, pinning her against the wall which seemed like an accident because they saw a couple fallen boxes. Most likely from Marinette stumbling, toppling boxes over then causing Adrien to stumble and accidentally pin Marinette against the wall.

The gang exchanged smirks then continued to watch the show unfold.
"S-sorry Marinette! I didn't mean to I just eh uh umm" Adrien looked up and down searching for an excuse,
then blushed when he realized while off in space searching for an excuse, he had been staring right down at Marinette's legs.
Marinette, still pinned against the wall looked like she was about to explode of....embarrassment? Happiness? Who knows.

"Oh my goodness! I-I'm soooooo so so so so so sorry Marinette!" He looked directly into her eyes face beet red and panting.
"I-it's o-okay...Adrien.." Marinette struggled to search for words.
The gang all exchanged smirks, it was going to be a fun night for them...but a long night for Adrien and Marinette.
A/N sorry if the chapter was short..I just like cliffhangers...and I needed to change POV's and my favourite way to do that is to switch chapters!

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