-Chapter 10- Bird Box

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The gang all stared at each other in awe, giving them what they want? No way, were they really going to kiss more or make "Adrinette" official? They all hoped so.
"Heh, they won't actually, I mean c'mon! They can barely talk to each other!" Alix snorted.
"I dunno Alix, Adrien sounds pretty sure of himse-" Alya starts then is cut off by Adrien pinning Marinette to the closet door (thankfully she was short so the clothing hanger did not hit her) as Adrien did this he playfully smirked and pressed his lips to Marinette's lips, first soft, gentle, fluffy. Then,more passionate as if he was playing with her bottom lip with his own. Marinette tried not to moan, but the joy of Adrien finally being hers, she couldn't help herself. She let out a tiny mew of a moan. Satisfied, Adrien detached his lips and smirked.
"Keep that up and they'll let us out in no time" he smiled warmly.
Marinette blushed as Adrien stroked her hair gently. His hands were so gentle while he was touching his princess.
"You're so cute when you blush, you know that right?" He asked.
"U-uh I uhh" she started.
"Of course you know, you're so smart Marinette" Adrien sighed happily.

"Woah," Nino gasped "They actually did it?"
"They actually did it" Kim smirked
"WAHOO!" They all jumped up and cheered.
"Y'know...my video is getting really long and my storage is slowly filling up," Alya began
"And I'm getting tired," Rose yawned as she continued.
"And I'm satisfied with what I saw," Mylene continued.
"So how about we let them free and go to bed?" Ivan finished.
"I'm down," Chloé spoke while filing her nails.
Everyone nodded in agreement as Sabrina turned the closet handle. As soon as she pulled open the door the teens sprang back as Adrien and Marinette leaped desperately out of the closet like cats getting outside. Although Mylène said she was satisfied with what she saw, the whole gang had a nod of agreement as in "we have NOT seen enough Adrinette". So then Alix suggested:
"Let's watch BirdBox!" The gang smirked, they all remembered the YouTuber Ask Kimberly (go check her out if you are in any love situation, she's amazing) said that scary movies create adrenaline, but when watching with another person, it makes them think the adrenaline is from you! So it's makes them like you on a psychological way.
"I'm down!" Chloé and Sabrina spoke in unison
Everyone else shook their heads up and down then quickly sat in spots that made Adrien and Marinette share a teensy couch. Max pressed play on the remote, and they started!
"W-what's happening to them?..." Marinette shook nervously as Adrien tried to comfort her, but was terrified himself.
"They're dying, duh" Alix rolled her eyes.
"They've seen the creature...they've become suicidal...they're eyes turn glossy like they were crying.." Juleka murmured.
Everyone yanked their heads towards Juleka, they all shared concerned glances... except Rose.
"Oh Juleka! That's so silly!" She giggled.
As they continued watching bird box, Ayla's phone continued recording, little did they know all the couples were cozying up. Alya and Nino, Ivan and Mylène, Rose and Juleka and even.... Alix and Kim?! Oh, and what is this? Max and Sabrina? Cute. (Sorry for not many gay couples but Max and Sabrina are my OTP ☺️) Chloé stared at them all enviously...where was Luka when you needed him?
So for the rest of night, the couples...and Chloé... were chilling and watching BirdBox... as one by one, they fell asleep.

If it wasn't a satisfactory ending, comment, I'll fix it.
-Phia, OUT!
Finished, January 31st 2019 1:07 am
Hello! It's me from December 26th 2020! I started a Mikayuu book if you're interested in reading that haha, I also plan on making more Miraculous books so stick around for those too <3

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