-Chapter 9- Are you alright?

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Adrien stared down at Marinette, panicked. This was his fault, now he had too fix it. He grazed his hand over her cheek one last time, then got to business. He shook her a bit but it didn't work.
So he just sat there, unconsciously twirling her hair in between his pointer and middle finger, pondering. Unbeknownst to him, Marinette began to flutter her eyes open then realizing that Adrien Agreste, THE Adrien Agreste, was twirling her hair? She shot up, only to bang her head against the low hanging shelf. Dangit Rose!
"Ouch" Marinette muttered while rubbing the back of her head.
"Oh my gosh, oH mY gOsH, OH MY GOSH" Adrien started to howl. "Marinette! Are you alright?"
That hut her, Marinette felt a mini fangirl pang in her chest! "Are you alright?" Those words again, of course she was alright, I mean she was with Adrien freaking Agreste for crying out loud, but, those words, how come they hit her so much?
"Yeah yeah I-I'm fiiineee t-totally fantastic!" She spoke dizzily.
"Anyway, what happened?" She asked seeming confused
"And why do my legs hurt?"
Adrien froze, dear lord why him! How was he gonna explain this? Oh yeah he just got the urge to kiss her then she kissed back and then she fainted and he had her in her arms and he hit her legs on the wall. He was going to explain that?
"U-uhm, you f-fainted" he stuttered. God now you're stuttering! Smooth Agreste. He mentally facepalmed again.
"Why...?" Marinette asked, then it hit her...Adrien had kissed her, and she... kissed back? Oh no this was going way to fast for her.
"Oh.." she finally spoke, both their faces began to flourish with reds and pinks.
"UM" Marinette began hesitantly "Maybe we should find a way out" Marinette desperately tried too change the subject.
"Uh, right" Adrien stood up and held out his hand while standing in a bow position too help her up.
"Uhhhh..." Marinette stared at him in bewilderment. Adrien froze, crap what was he doing?
Marinette slowly reached for his shaky hand, her own of course looking like it was stuttering more than she ever could.
She grabbed his hand and Adrien helped the poor girl to her feet, although she was so shaky she actually fell on Adrien and was now (accidentally) pinning him against the wall.
"My how the tables have turned" they both heard a muffled voice outside the closet followed by giggling.
"Ummm.. Sorry!" She sprung off Adrien and helped him up this time.
"So.. how do we get out?" Adrien asked. Marinette's eyes suddenly flashed to a corner of the room, Adrien's eyes followed. There sitting on the highest shelf of the room, sat a phone, with a orange phone case with an "S" on it.
"Sabrina... " they both said in unison with a sigh. On the screen they saw themselves looking back at them with tiny faces similar looking to their friends laughing in the corner!
"Okay... ignoring the fact Alya was probably screen recording the past hour on her insane amount of storage phone, we need a way out" Marinette finally spoke.
"I think I've got an idea" Adrien sighed.
Adrien brought Marinette closer than she already was hushed down to a whisper.
"We'll have to give them what they want" he whispered to her.

Thanks for reading the chapter, sorry for not updating in forever, I got writer's block.

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