Chapter Three

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In a brilliant burst of green light, Danny Phantom's ectoplasmic shield imploded. The impact sent him hurtling backward. Activating his intangibility, he phased through a tree that he would've collided with otherwise. Midoriya didn't even give him a chance to catch his breath, dashing toward him before the ghost kid had even regained his composure. As Danny rose, he barely managed to get a bead on his unexpected foe.

"Get back!" Danny screamed.

The boy in the teal costume ignored his warning. Right before Danny fired, he noticed that the boy's arm seemed to glow with an otherworldly energy, not unlike the ghost-force that empowered himself. Choosing to ignore this, Danny's hands erupted with green, ethereal light, and he dispelled a huge amount of it toward Midoriya.

The dark jungle was momentarily lit up as the green light approached its target. His heart sank as the nimble young teen twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the trajectory of the light missile. Danny prepared to fire another light bolt at Midoriya, but the teen he now faced was intelligent. Izuku wouldn't fall for the same trick twice.

Using my ecto-energy won't work a second time, Danny mused, even as Midoriya spun through the air. I need to try something different.

However, Danny suddenly found he couldn't see the kid. At least, insofar as he couldn't see Midoriya himself. Instead, blue streaks of energy crisscrossed between the trees. Trying desperately to follow the boy's path, Danny found it was hopeless. Just as he was making an effort to formulate his next move, Midoriya materialized before him, approaching at a superhuman speed.


The superpowered teen's fist collided with the ghost boy's face before he could do anything to dodge. Danny hadn't felt anything like this for quite a while. It felt like he'd been hit by a missile, the impact carrying a level of force he'd had yet to experience. The collision threw him forward, tossing him end over end, helpless to do anything but spin as he tumbled through the brush. Eventually, Danny came to a stop, crashing into a log and causing it to splinter and crack, but not sunder.

"Jeez...this kid could give Skulker boxing lessons..." Danny groaned as he slowly sat up.

Midoriya was relentless:  the aquamarine streak of tenacity was coming toward Danny, even as he shakily rose to his feet. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. How was he to beat an opponent like this? 

The only place where he can't fight me, Danny thought. In the air.

There was no indication that this kid could fly. That was how he'd beat him. Bracing, Danny took off into the air at upwards of a hundred miles an hour. Here, he wouldn't be able to touch him. Danny came to a gentle stop about eighty meters above the canopy. Below, the treeline was ripped and torn where he and the mighty teen had made their battle.

Something was coming towards him.


"Seriously?!" Danny yelled.

"I won't lose!!" Deku screamed as he arced toward his opponent.

"And I won't miss! Not again!" Danny roared in challenge.

This time, Danny formulated his strategy within a few moments. His powers were not limited to flight, energy blasts, intangibility, and the like---he did have more powerful abilities in his arsenal. His body was met with a chill as he prepared one such power for his opponent. Midoriya grew closer and closer, and once he had just barely crossed Danny's threshold for tolerance, he struck.

"You need to chill out, kid!" He quipped, even as he unleashed his power.

The air around the two of them rapidly dropped in temperature as a wave of permafrost surged toward Midoriya. He desperately tried to spin his body midair, to unleash even a portion of the attack he had been planning for Danny, but it was too late. The chill seized his body and his limbs, covering him in a dainty but steadfast coat of ice. He couldn't move a muscle. But that didn't stop him from moving.

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