Chapter Twenty-Five

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Smoldering pieces of annihilated metal smote the battlefield in droves, making massive craters upon impact. The ground rumbled with the residual after-effects of battle, particularly when a Starbolt, a katana, or a massive ice shard ripped through the chassis of a Kriegbot and brought it down. Beams of energy from a thousand different sources split the air, heating the atmosphere of the already supercharged battle. A glowing green streak echoed back and forth across the battlefield periodically, leaving a colossal swath of flattened Kriegbots wherever he landed. 

Vlad felt the wind knocked be out of his ghostly lungs as he collided with the surface of a robot. He barely had time to lift his gaze before the black-haired Earthbender was barreling toward him again. Vlad tensed, preparing for her strike, raising his arms in a truly hopeless effort to parry the attack. However, there was no impact. Looking up, he smirked. 

Azula came blasting into his vision, blue fire belting from her heels, a lance of flame arcing toward her hated enemy. Toph took just enough notice to raise one of her armored fists, making the fire go wide. The two smashed together in a spectacular display, with Azula putting her full body weight into an aerial kick that stumbled the metal menace. However, Toph returned the favor by thrusting her fists toward a nearby Kriegbot, lifting it off of its feet, and sending it hurtling toward Azula.

Vlad, still grinning, crouched, then blasted off into the sky to aid Blackfire in her battle against her sister.

Meanwhile, a massive green rhinoceros with three teenagers riding atop it plowed into an unaware Kriegbot, completely goring it with its horn. Garfield whipped his head to the side, tossing the shredded metal husk away like unwanted confetti. Cantering around, he let Boruto, Killua, and Robin leap off of him to face a battalion of approaching Kriegbots. Killua's crackling aura flickered to life, and Robin drew a katana, as well as a spear from his belt that doubled in size with one click of a button on its shaft. Boruto wove the necessary signs, smoke plumes appearing where his doubles popped up to aid him in battle. The Kriegbots, unable to feel fear or doubt of any kind, advanced on the awaiting prodigies. 

A boomerang-like weapon, shaped in the likeness of a bat, sank into the armor comprising one of the advancing Kriegbots. Rapidly beeping, the Batarang suddenly detonated, leaving a neat crater in the robot's armor. Damian sprang forward, spinning like a top through the air, slashing through the bot's hide with two swipes of the spear and the katana. The Kriegbot crumpled, shooting out sparks as it sank to the earth.

The other surrounding Kriegbots began advancing on their position. Robin threw out a handful of grenades, which stuck to the hide of three robots. Boruto and two of his clones rocketed forth in his signature attack, the Boruto stream, each with the whirling energy of a Rasengan in their palms. Killua was a blur of crackling lightning, dodging swipes from metal claws and drilling through the metal exterior of a nearby robot like a corkscrew. 

Three of the Kriegbots were decimated instantly as Robin's grenades detonated. When the glowing chakra of Boruto collided with the Kriegbots' hide, it crumpled them, destroying them instantaneously. The broken shells left by Killua's rapid corkscrew attacks slunk to the earth, smoking and inert. Meanwhile, where a green rhino had brought the boys into battle against the battalion, Gar now stood in the form of a triceratops. Snorting and pawing the earth as if he had become a bull, Beast Boy ran forward, slamming Kriegbots aside as if they were paper. 

Far across the battlefield, Muscular batted away Mr. Incredible with a quick backhand, followed up by a punch to the gut. Saliva flew from Bob's mouth as the bulging villain grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, driving a knee into his stomach. Even with his vision swimming, the retired hero managed to grab the adversary's leg, pulling with all of his might, struggling against the wave of dizziness quickly overwhelming him.

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